
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Jackson County Board of Trustees met February 26


Jackson County Board of Trustees met Feb. 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Members Present: Calandro, Comparato, D. Bost, Endres, Erbes, Hunter, J. S. Rendleman, Larkin, Mendoza Jr., Mueller, Peterson, S. Bost and Snyder

Members Absent: Nehring

Recognition of Visitors

Rendleman's daughter Jane Rendleman was introduced to everyone.

Citizen Comments

Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.

Agency Reports

Mueller reported that the next JGA meeting will be held on March 18, 2019 at 4:30p.m. and they will be discussing the Murphysboro Community Development Consulting Engagement which is set to launch next month. Currently there will be a town hall meeting February 27, 2019 from 5:30 to 6p.m. A presentation will follow at the Murphysboro Elks Lodge to discuss community action plan and the development of economic growth. A consultant will be on Skype and will go over the action plans with a Q&A.

Erbes met with the Governor and invited him to Jackson County. He also reported that the UCCI met in Springfield for their regular monthly meeting who hosted NACO. They are putting together a one day fly in for county leaders which is in the very early planning stage.

Peterson reported that MPO and the City of Carbondale will be holding a public information meeting in regards to the proposed Bicycle/Pedestrian Bike Path entitled the "Northwest Trail". The meeting will be held at the Carbondale Civic Center on March 11, 2019 from 4p.m. until 6p.m.

She also reported that GERP&D and IDOT met to discuss their yearly plan with the emphasis on infrastructure.

Mueller informed everyone that there will be an open forum at the Carbondale Civic Center on February 28, 2019 at 6p.m. for the candidates that are running for City Council and on March 7, 2019 at the same time and place a forum on the Mayor candidates.

Chairman Report

Chairman Larkin informed the board that Hunter has resigned as Chair of the Finance and Administration Committee. She will however remain on the committee.

Approval of Consent Agenda

A motion was made by Rendleman, seconded by D. Bost, to approve the amended Consent Agenda. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

I. 19-3995 January 22, 2019 Minutes

II. 19-3997 Resolution 2019-11 Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement by and between the Jackson County Board and the Emergency Telephone System Board Assigning Jackson County Employees to Jackson County 911 ETSB

III. 19-3998 Payment of health insurance Claims in the amount of $308,895.89

IV. 19-3999 Payment of County Monthly Claims in the amount of $289,511.57

V. 19-4000 Payment of Board Members' Travel Reimbursement in the amount of $3,730.92

VI. 19-4001 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2019-10 Parcel# 15-16-462-042

VII. 19-4002 Authorize and Direct the Accounting Coordinator to close the Rehab & c are fund into the County General fund Contingency line item

VIII. 19-4003 Authorize and Direct the Accounting Coordinator to pay $53,479.02 out of County General Contingency for the IRS Civil Penalties

IX. 19-4004 Approval for the Ambulance Service to switch to Fleet Fuel credit card

X. 19-4005 Payment of Highway Monthly Claims in the amount of $235,465.35

XI. 19-4006 Resolution 2019-12 Certifying County Engineer

XII. 19-4007 Resolution 2019-13 Appropriating funds for the County Engineer's Salary

XIII. 19-4008 Agreement with Egyptian Electric for Utility Relocation-Dillinger Road Project

XIV. 19-4009 Resolution 2019-14 Federal Matching Fund-Egyptian Electric for Dillinger Road

XV. 19-4010 Local Public Agency Agreement for Federal Participation-Dillinger Road

XVI. 19-4011 Resolution 2019-15 Federal Aid Agreement Section 16-00175-00-SP being Dillinger Road Safety Project

XVII. 19-4012 Approval for repairs to the Courthouse Sewer Line in the amount of $2,644.00

XVIII. 19-3996 Intergovernmental Agreement for Assignment of Jackson County Employees to Jackson County 911 ETSB

A motion was made by J. S. Rendleman, seconded by Comparato, to approve the agreement as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Standing Committee Reports

Executive Committee

XIX. 19-4013 Future of Public Building Commission

Chairman Larkin stated that it is the recommendation of the Executive Committee to suspend the current operations of the Public Building Commission and to pursue a budget adjustment and to move those appropriated funds back to county general.

A motion was made by Hunter, seconded by Endres, to suspend operations of the Public Building Committee. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

XX. 19-4014 Open Appointments in February 2019 {8}

1. Buncombe Water District (1)

2. Flood Plain Manager (1)

3. Jackson/Union Regional Port District (1)

4. Jackson County Mass Transit (1)*

5. Lakeside Water District (1)

6. Liquor Advisory Board (1)

7. Public Building Commission (2)

A motion was made by J. S. Rendleman, seconded by Snyder, to approve the appointment of Clint Maue to the Jackson County Mass Transit Board. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Finance & Administration Committee

Sharon Harris-Johnson shared the information on the borrowing practice on tax anticipation warrants. The good news is that it is not a complicated process if needed. The county could even borrow small amounts of money to meet specific needs. These are considered non-tax anticipation warrants.

Hunter went over some of the budget talks she had with office holders and others. Those talks seem to be going good. The estimate projection of the county running out of money is sometime in May or June 2019. Changes to the Health Insurance Plan are also being considered.

XXI. 19-4015 Tax Anticipation Warrants

No action needed at this time.

XXII. 19-4016 Approval of the AFSCME Ambulance Contract

This item will be considered after the executive session.

XXIII. 19-4027 Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement County Jail Services

A motion was made by Hunter, seconded by Endres, to approve the Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

XXIV. 19-4028 Resolution 2019-16 Approving An Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement By and Between Jackson and Union Counties for the Provision of Jail Services

A motion was made by Hunter, seconded by J. S. Rendleman, to approve the resolution. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Legislative & Public Safety Committee

XXV. 19-4017 Payment of Ambulance Service Monthly claims in the amount of $49,430.85

A motion was made by Endres, seconded by Erbes, to approve the claims. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

XXVI. 19-4018 Appointment of Sheriff as Emergency Management Director

A motion was made by J. S. Rendleman, seconded by Erbes, to approve the appointment of Robert Burns. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Real Property Committee

Chairman Larkin gave an update on Flood Plain Manager position which was the part of the Emergency Director's role. Larkin spoke with Sheriff Burns about this matter and he thought flood management was outside his expertize. Burns has coordinated with the County Engineer who has agreed to take over the role of Flood Plain Manager.

A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Erbes, to approve the appointment of Mitch Burdick as the Flood Plain Manager. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Burdick gave an update on the Highway Department.

Special Committee Reports

Endres gave a short update on the Health Insurance Task Force. The committee hopes to meet sometime in March.

Old Business

New Business

Peterson reported on up-coming House Bills she felt would be of interest to board members.

Executive Session

XXVII.19-4019 Executive Session under 2 (c) 2 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act to discuss collective bargaining

A motion was made by Snyder, seconded by D. Bost, to go into executive session. The motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.

A motion was made by Rendleman, seconded by S.Bost, to come out of executive session. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

A motion was made by Endres, seconded by Peterson, to approve the tentative AFCME Contract with the Ambulance Employees. The motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.


A motion was made by Rendleman, seconded by Erbes, to recess until March 19, 2019.
