
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Jackson County Board of Trustees met March 19

Webp meeting 07

Jackson County Board of Trustees met March 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


Given by Nehring

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Members Present: Calandro, Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Hunter, J. S. Rendleman, Larkin, Mendoza Jr., Mueller, Nehring, S. Bost and Snyder

Members Absent: Endres and Peterson

Recognition of Visitors

Several law students from SIU were in attendance.

Citizen Comments


Agency Reports

Mueller gave a report on JGA and on the action plan for the development of economic growth. She also reported on a workshop on a program called LIFT that is in partnership with Man-Tra-Con that is helping to provide young adults with developing and achieving career and educational goals. They are looking for mentors to help with this project. Please contact Jennifer Olson at the Carbondale Chamber at 618/549- 2146. Man-Tra- Con also has a program "IWT" that helps current employees learn new skills for employment. Please contact Kathy Lively at 618/ 998-0970 ext. 237 for more information.

Erbes gave an update on the upcoming UCCI meeting.

J.S.Rendleman gave an update on GERPD in regards to them needing to move from their Marion, IL located in the Marion Mall. He also discussed the 911 board and the payroll changes that were made to this board.

Chairman Report

Larkin stated that Mueller was appointed to the Chief Local Elections Board.

Approval of Consent Agenda

A motion was made by S.Bost, seconded by Erbes, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

I. 19-4053 February 26, 2019 Minutes

II. 19-4054 Payment of Health Insurance Claims in the amount of $373,130.70

III. 19-4055 Acceptance of the MWM Consulting proposal for actuarial services

IV. 19-4056 Payment of County Monthly Claims in the amount of $238,084.42

V. 19-4057 Payment of Board Members' Travel Reimbursement in the amount of $3,796.53

VI. 19-4058 Authorization for the Jackson County Health Department to expend Household Hazardous Waste funds up to $55,000 to coordinate and conduct a household chemical collection

VII. 19-4059 Authorization to enter into a Household Chemical Collection Intergovernmental Agreement for Perry County participation

VIII. 19-4060 Resolution 2019-17 Approving an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement By and Between Jackson and Perry Counties for Participation in the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program

IX. 19-4061 Payment of Ambulance Service monthly claims in the amount of $43,202.59

X. 19-4062 Payment of Highway monthly claims in the amount of $89,525.15

XI. 19-4063 Approval of the Land Division for Cabin on the Hill-Fager-PIN 15-36-200-023

Standing Committee Reports

Executive Committee

XII. 19-4064 Resolution 2019-18 Creating a Natural Resources Economic Development Advisory Board

A motion was made by J. S. Rendleman, seconded by Erbes, to approve the resolution. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

XIII. 19-4067 Open Appointments in March 2019 {8}

a. Buncombe Water District (1)

b. Lakeside Water District (1)

c. Liquor Advisory Board (1)

d. Natural Resources Economic Development Advisory Board (5)

A motion was made by Erbes, seconded by J. S. Rendleman, to approve the appointments of Scott Martin, Chris Mohrman, John Hartlieb and Will Stephens to the Natural Resources Economic Development Advisory Board. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Finance & Administration Committee

No action needed by the board.

Legislative & Public Safety Committee

No action needed by the board.

Real Property Committee

XIV. 19-4065 Approval of Local Public Agency Agreement for Federal Participation for Section 14-00173-00-RS being Ava Road

A motion was made by Erbes, seconded by Mueller, to approve the agreement. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

XV. 19-4066 Resolution 2019-19 Federal Aid Agreement for Section 14-00173-00-RS being the Ava Road (CH7) Resurfacing Project

A motion was made by Erbes, seconded by Mueller, to approve the resolution. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Special Committee Reports


Old Business

New Business

Erbes said he would be presenting some kind of agreement with IDNR and the county. The countywill take over maintenance on Lake Access road which runs between Lake Murphysboro State Park and Marina Road.

Executive Session

XVI. 19-4068 Executive Session under 2 (c) 2 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act to discuss collective bargaining

No action needed by the board.


A motion was made by J.S.Rendleman, seconded by Mueller, to recess until April 16, 2019.
