
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Carbondale City Council met January 8


City of Carbondale City Council met Jan. 8.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Council Members present

Councilman Jeff Doherty, Councilman Tom Grant, Councilwoman Carolin Harvey, Councilman Navreet Kang, Councilman Adam Loos, Councilwoman Jessica Bradshaw, and Mayor John M. Henry

A Local Liquor Control Commission meeting preceded the City Council meeting.

Meeting called to order at 6:16 PM

5. Preliminaries to the City Council Meeting

5.1: Roll Call

5.2: Council Comments, General Announcements, and Proclamations

Councilman Loos asked if the City is going to pursue any changes to the City Code regarding legalizing cannabis in anticipation of it passing at the State level. City Manager Gary Williams stated that the plan is to hold off on any changes and wait to see what the State will decide.

5.3: Citizens’ Comments and Questions


6. Public Hearings and Special Reports


7. Consent Agenda of the City Council

7.1: Approval of Minutes from the Special City Council Meeting of December 4, 2018, and the Regular City Council Meeting of December 11, 2018

Pulled by J. Doherty

7.2: Approval of Warrant for the Period Ending: 12/14/2018 for the FY 2019 Warrant 1344 in the Total Amount of $950,716.19

Resolution: Accept the following report of payments made for the period ended: 12/14/2018 totaling $950,716.19

7.3: Approval of Warrant for the Period Ending: 12/28/2018 for the FY 2019 Warrant 1345 in the Total Amount of $2,651,492.42

Resolution: Accept the following report of payments made for the period ended: 12/28/2018 totaling $2,651,492.42

7.4: Approval of Wells Fargo Warrant for the Period Ending 11/30/2018 FY 2019 Warrant # WF 11/2018 in the amount of $131,108.72

Resolution: Accept the following report of payments made for the period ended: 11/30/2018 totaling $131,108.72

7.5: Resolutions Commending Police Lieutenant Mark Goddard and Firefighter Teresa Richards for Service to the City of Carbondale

Resolution: Approve the Resolutions commending Police Lieutenant Mark Goddard and Firefighter Teresa Richards for service to the City of Carbondale

(Resolution 2019-R-01; Exhibit D-01-08-2019); (Resolution 2019-R-02; Exhibit E-01-08-2019)

7.6: Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to execute an Engineering Agreement with Thouvenot, Wade & Moerchen Inc. (TWM) in an Amount not to Exceed $24,500.00 for Repairs to the Little Crab Orchard Creek Bridge on Chautauqua Road (ST1301)

Resolution: Approve a Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to execute an Engineering Agreement with Thouvenot, Wade & Moerchen Inc. (TWM) in an amount not to exceed $24,500.00 to prepare plans for the repairs of the bridge over Little Crab Orchard Creek on Chautauqua (ST1301).

(Resolution 2019-R-03; Exhibit F-01-08-2019)

7.7: Purchase of an Emergency Warning Siren for the City's Office of Emergency Management in the amount of $24,998.00 from Roy Walker Communications Inc. of Makanda, IL

Resolution: Approve the purchase of an Emergency Warning Siren for the City's Office of Emergency Management Fire Department in the amount of $24,998.00 from Roy Walker Communications Inc. of Makanda, IL

7.8: Resolution Accepting the Survey Plat of the Natural Burial Section of Oakland Cemetery

Resolution: Approve a Resolution accepting the Survey Plat of the Natural Burial Section of Oakland Cemetery

(Resolution 2019-R-04; Exhibit G-01-08-2019)

7.9: Resolution Approving GRNE Solar's Request for a Special Use Permit to Develop a Solar Array on Property Located at the Intersection of North New Era Road and Airport Road

7.10: Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into an Agreement with Brad Olson to Perform the Duties as the Hearing Officer for the Carbondale Local Liquor Control Commission

Resolution: Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Brad Olson to perform the duties as the Hearing Officer for the Carbondale Local Liquor Control Commission.

(Resolution 2019-R-06; Exhibit I-01-08-2019)

7.11: Approval of Consent Agenda Items

Resolution: Approve all Consent Agenda items not pulled for separate consideration MOTION: Approve Consent Agenda items 7.2 – 7.8, and 7.10

Motion by Adam Loos, second by Navreet Kang.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jeff Doherty, Tom Grant, Carolin Harvey, Navreet Kang, Adam Loos, Jessica Bradshaw, John M Henry

7.1: Approval of Minutes from the Special City Council Meeting of December 4, 2018, and the Regular City Council Meeting of December 11, 2018

Councilman Doherty noted an error in the Special City Council meeting minutes from December 4, 2018 in the Executive Session item. The motion reads “Hold an Executive Session to discuss the setting of price for lease or sale as permitted by 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(16) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act”.

The correction to the motion should say “Enter into Executive Session for the Purposes of Self- Evaluation, Practices and Procedures or Professional Ethics, When Meeting with a Representative of a Statewide Association of Which the Public Body is a Member Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(16)”.

MOTION: Approve the minutes from the City Council meetings of December 4 and 11, 2018 as Amended.

Motion by Jeff Doherty, second by Adam Loos.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jeff Doherty, Tom Grant, Carolin Harvey, Navreet Kang, Adam Loos, Jessica Bradshaw, John M Henry

7.9: Resolution Approving GRNE Solar's Request for a Special Use Permit to Develop a Solar Array on Property Located at the Intersection of North New Era Road and Airport Road

Jerrold Hennrich, 610 West Sycamore Street, pulled this item to have a brief discussion and get a better understanding of what this item entails.

Dr. Bruce Breeden, representative of Telamon Energy, gave some background information on the project and addressed questions from Council.

MOTION: Adopt a Resolution approving GRNE Solar's request for a Special Use Permit to develop a solar array on property located at the intersection of North New Era Road and Airport Road

Motion by Jessica Bradshaw, second by Tom Grant.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jeff Doherty, Tom Grant, Carolin Harvey, Navreet Kang, Adam Loos, Jessica Bradshaw, John M Henry

(Resolution 2019-R-05; Exhibit H-01-08-2019)

8. General Business of the City Council

8.1 Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Issue a Zoning Certificate for a Temporary Warming Center to be Located at 800 E. Main Street

Persons speaking in opposition to the temporary warming center being located at 800 East Main Street included Chan San, David Quan, Kirsten Lipe, Diane Muzio, Deborah Burris, and Mike Wright. Those in opposition commented on the impact this will have on area businesses, the potential increase for emergency services, the safety of employees and patrons of nearby businesses, pedestrian traffic along Main Street, and possibly increasing the existing problem of panhandling in that area.

City Council members commented on the necessity and urgency of the warming center for the homeless, the various locations that were considered for the warming center, keeping the warming center at its current location then find a more permanent solution for the future, reasons why the Civic Center is no longer being used as an option, and how the property is zoned and its conflict with erecting a construction trailer for this purpose in that area.

MOTION: Authorize the City Manager to Issue a Zoning Certificate for a Temporary Warming Center to be Located at 800 E. Main Street

Motion by Adam Loos, second by Carolin Harvey.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Tom Grant, Carolin Harvey, Adam Loos, Jessica Bradshaw, John M Henry Nay: Jeff Doherty, Navreet Kang

(Resolution 2019-R-07; Exhibit J-01-08-2019)

8.2 Authorize the City Manager to Bid Two New Refuse Vehicles to be Budgeted and Purchased in the FY2020 Budget

MOTION: Approve the bidding of two new refuse vehicles to be purchased in the FY2020 budget year.

Motion by Jeff Doherty, second by Carolin Harvey.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jeff Doherty, Tom Grant, Carolin Harvey, Navreet Kang, Adam Loos, Jessica Bradshaw, John M Henry

9. Executive Session

9.1 Vote to Enter into Executive Session for the Purpose of Discussing the Setting of Price for Sale or Lease of Property Owned by the Public Body as Permitted Under the Illinois Open Meetings Act 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(6)

MOTION: Hold an Executive Session to discuss the setting of price for the sale or lease of property owned by the public body as permitted under the Illinois Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(6)

Motion by Navreet Kang, second by Carolin Harvey.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jeff Doherty, Tom Grant, Carolin Harvey, Navreet Kang, Adam Loos, Jessica Bradshaw, John M Henry

Open session recessed at 7:46 pm

9.2 Motion to reenter into Open Session

MOTION: Return to Open Session

Motion by Adam Loos, second by Jessica Bradshaw.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jeff Doherty, Tom Grant, Carolin Harvey, Navreet Kang, Adam Loos, Jessica Bradshaw, John M Henry

Open session resumed at 8:13 pm

10. Adjournment of the City Council Meeting

10.1 Adjourn meeting

There being no further business to come before the public body, the meeting was declared adjourned at 8:14 pm
