Jackson County Executive Committee met December 10.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
Call to Order (5:10 PM)
Members Present: Endres, Erbes, Hunter and Larkin
Members Absent: Nehring, Peterson and Snyder
Also Present: Tamiko Mueller, Mike Carr, Dan Brenner, Allison Mileur, Kenton Schafer, Susie Kilquist, Mary Varner, Michelle Tweedy
Approval of Minutes
I. 18-3835 November 1, 2018 Minutes
A motion was made by Hunter, seconded by Endres, to approve the November 1, 2018 minutes as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Chairman's Remarks
Internal Office Matters
II. 18-3836 January Calendar
The committee discussed the meeting dates in January. If the Finance meeting and County Board meeting are left on their scheduled days certain items will not be able to move forward. Larkin also reminded everyone that starting in January the committee meetings will be held at the Jackson County Jail.
A motion was made by Endres, seconded by Hunter, to approve moving the January County Board meeting to the 22nd. The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 3 - Endres, Hunter and Larkin
No: 1 - Erbes
Absent: 3 - Nehring, Peterson and Snyder
Computing Services
III. 18-3837 Remote Access Policy
Barringer informed the committee that the county does not currently have a Remote Access Policy and he suggests that the county adopt a basic one. The policy has not been reviewed by the State's Attorney's Office.
A motion was made by Endres, seconded by Erbes, to approve the Remote Access Policy pending review by the State's Attorney's Office. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
IV. 18-3843 Public Aid Committee
Larkin informed the committee that there is a need to convene the Public Aid Committee due to an appeal. The committee is made up of four township supervisors and the Chair of the County Board. Larkin will be working on getting the committee together.
V. 18-3838 Open Appointments {8}
a. Buncombe Water District (1)
b. ETSB 911 (2)*
c. Jackson/Union Regional Port District (1)
d. Jackson County Mass Transit (1)
e. Public Building Commission (3)*
Larkin stated that he plans to nominate Tarrants and Sayer for the ETSB 911 Board. He also stated that he plans to name Rendleman as his designee.
A motion was made by Erbes, seconded by Hunter, to approve recommendation of Tarrants and Sayer to the ETSB 911 Board. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Old Business
VI. 18-3839 IMRF-Jackson County 911
Larkin informed the committee that 911 is looking into pursuing being their own entity with IMRF. Schafer reported that 911 is working with IMRF to get an extension on their required start date.
VII. 18-3840 DEVNET Contract
The contract is not available. This item is being moved to the board meeting.
New Business
VIII. 18-3841 Regional Office of Education Quarterly Report
Graff began by reviewing some of the numbers from the first quarter. She then moved on to discussing other projects. The Coats for Kids program is able to help 80 kids this year. This is the first year for the new report card and Jackson County has the lowest performing and under performing schools. Graff is working on safety checks for each building. She concluded by mentioning that she is encouraging Superintendents to apply for a property tax relief grant. The grant would provide some property tax rebates to citizens. The committee wants to contact superintendents to encourage them to apply for the grant.
Executive Session
IX. 18-3842 Executive Session under 2 (c) 1 to discuss personnel
A motion was made by Hunter, seconded by Endres, to authorize entering into Executive Session under 2 (c)1 of the IL Open Meetings Act to discuss personel. The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 4 - Endres, Erbes, Hunter and Larkin
Absent: 3 - Nehring, Peterson and Snyder
Adjourn (6:04 PM)
Larkin adjourned the meeting.