
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee met October 24.

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Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee met October 24.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

Call to Order:

Committee Members Present: Liz Hunter, Julie Peterson, Milton Maxwell, Scott Comparato, Andrew Erbes and Keith Larkin

Also Present: Kenton Schaefer, Josh Barringer, Susie Kilquist, Bill Orrill, Maureen Berkowitz, Sarah Patrick and Michelle Tweedy

Finance & Administration Chair Liz Hunter called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Chair's Report:

Finance & Administration Chair Liz Hunter informed the committee that they would be presented with a lot of updated information and decisions would need to be made within the week in order to place the FY19 budget on file for public viewing.

I. 18-3762 2018-2019 Budget Preparation

a. Budget Request Summary

b. Levy/PTELL Worksheets

c. Budget Scenario

Finance & Administration Chair Liz Hunter requested the committee's reconsideration of the FY19 health insurance premiums set earlier in the month. Ms. Hunter expressed her following concerns with setting the premiums at actual usage: the employees are working for the benefits rather than the wages; the dependent premium increase is higher than the earnings of some employees; the employees shouldn't have to solely bare the cost of the plan when previous boards did not fund appropriately; and certain bargaining contracts state that the premiums may not increase more than ten percent in any one given year. Mr. Larkin suggested the premiums remain as set earlier in the month and recommended another premium tier be added for those collective bargaining agreements the county was currently in negotiations. The committee discussed the complexity of administering yet another tier to the premium structure, equitably treating the employees of the county so as to avoid animosity and the cost savings to be realized with the plan changes, The committee did agree that the premiums must be set in a way that covers the cost of the plan and must be allocated proportionately between the departments and not set aside in a contingency account. Motion by Larkin, seconded by Erbes to set the FY19 health insurance premium rates as recommended by Consociate and to establish another premium tier so as to honor the present collective bargaining agreements, Roll Call Vote: Yes-Larkin, Comparato and Erbes; No-Maxwell, Peterson and Hunter, motion failed.

Ms. Hunter presented the committee with premiums set with an increase ranging from five to fifteen percent and one that would be economical to the employee, would abide by the current collective bargaining agreements and would generate the funds needed to cover the costs of the plan. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Comparato to set the FY19 health, dental and vision insurance premiums as recommended by Finance & Administration Chair Hunter, Roll Call Vote: Yes-Larkin, Comparato, Erbes, Maxwell, Peterson and Hunter; No-none, motion carried.

The committee reviewed the various stop-loss options made available earlier in the day ranging in annual premiums of $318,585.84 - $501,404.64. The committee discussed recommending Bardon Insurance Option 1 with a $70,000 deductible and nine separate individual deductibles at an annual cost of $378,397.44, but opted to defer the decision until they met on Monday, October 29, 2018, where the item could be placed on the agenda for consideration.

The committee reviewed correspondence from Presiding Judge Schwartz regarding the 2018- 2019 salaries for the Jackson County Circuit Court Staff.

The committee reviewed the Equalized Asses Valuations over the past twenty-six years. Jackson County Supervisor of Assessments Maureen Berkowitz informed the committee that twenty percent of Jackson County's geography is tax exempt (i.e. Shawnee National Forest, lakes, SIU, SIH, churches, etc).

The committee reviewed the various budget scenarios for County General reflecting no cost of living adjustments to a three percent cost of living adjustments and no increase to property taxes resulting in a deficit budget ranging from $2,085,106-$2,296,566. The committee also reviewed requested budget highlights that if not granted based on the three percent cost of living adjustment would result in a deficit of $691,292 still with not additional property tax support.

The committee reviewed the cash balances, the budgeted expenditures based on a three percent cost of living adjustment and the projected levy request to cover those expenditures. The committee also reviewed the levy scenarios as requested. The consensus of the committee was to further explore scenarios D-F reflecting a two-four percent increase in property taxes.

Mr. Bill Orrill, Chairman of the Jackson County Public Building Commission informed the committee that the commission: is currently seeking request for qualifications on architects/engineers, is looking into constructing a med/seg unit at the jail utilizing housing of prisoners funding and is negotiating the use of SIH facilities in lieu of constructing a morgue. The commission would eventually need to have a staff person dedicated to the commission and funding for architectural/engineering services, legal services, insurance and construction costs. The Jackson County Board has provided funding in the amount of $50,000 and the commission would like to request an additional $50,000.

Old Business

New Business


Motion by Comparato, seconded by Erbes to adjourn at 7:00 p.m., motion carried.
