Jackson County Executive Committee met Sept. 6.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Call to Order (5:10 PM)
Members Present: Endres, Hunter, J.S. Rendleman, Nehring and Peterson
Members Absent: Erbes and Larkin
Also Present: Tamiko Mueller, Josh Barringer, Lisa Jacquot, Kenton Schafer, Cheryl Graff, Susie Kilquist, Mary Varner, Michelle Tweedy
Approval of Minutes
I. 18-3627 August 2, 2018 Minutes
A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Hunter, to approve the August 2, 2018 minutes as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Chairman's Remarks
Rendleman read an email from the County Clerk regarding the property tax process, click here to read it. Jacquot reported that the Treasurers office process consists of balancing, generating bills, printing bills, balancing again and then mailing the property tax bills. The Treasurer's office hopes to have the bills mailed by the end of September with the first due date at the end of October and the second due date in November.
Internal Office Matters
II. 18-3628 October Calendar Adjustment
The committee reviewed the dates of the meetings in October. They discussed whether to move the Finance meeting since it falls on a holiday. Tweedy said she would be happy to meet on the holiday if that is what the committee wants. The meeting would have to be held at theJail since the Courthouse will not be open. Kilquist reminded the committee that the last time they decided to meet on a holiday they did not end up having a quorum. The consensus of the committee is to have the Finance committee decide what is the best date for their monthly meeting.
III. 18-3629 County Administrator
The committee reviewed the County Administrator job description. Hunter reminded the committee that there was a concern about the wording of the item related to the responsibility tohireandfirestaff. Theconsensusofthecommitteeistochangethewords"asdirectedby the county board" to "with the adviceand consent of the county board".
A motion was made by Hunter, seconded by Peterson, to approve the position of County Administratorandtherecommended changestothejobdescription.Themotioncarriedby unanimous vote.
IV. 18-3630 Employee Salary Adjustments
Rendleman began by reminding the committee that the State's Attorney's Office gave their opinion that the Accounting Coordinator and the Computing Services Manager positions are exempt positions. Currently, the employees in those positions are accumulating compensatory time and now that the positions are exempt the question for the board is whether to make salary adjustments for those employees. The committee discussed whether to make the adjustment commensurate with the compensatory time employees have earned in the past,leave the salaries as they are or something in between. The committee asked Tweedy to provide a compensatory time analysis for the last five years for the affected employees. The consensus of the committee is to keep the status quo until FY19.
V. 18-3631 Graduate Assistant for 2019
The committee discussed the offer from SIU to employ a Graduate Assistant from January to December 2019. The committee reviewed a memo outlining some of the work that has been done by the current Graduate Assistant. A spread sheet listing the current Graduate Assistant's hours is available for review in the County Board office.
A motion was made by Endres, seconded by Peterson, to authorize the Chair to sign the contract with SIU to employ a Graduate Assistant for 2019 at a cost of $9,203.00. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Computing Services
Barringer gave a rundown of research he has done on IT costs at other counties. He found that several of the surrounding counties have budgets close to half a million dollars a year. He is working on a presentation for the committee. Barringer then went on to talk about a BS&A conference taking place in Savannah, Georgia on November 7-9. He has the funding in his budget to pay for him and one other person to attend. Rendleman inquired about the IT needs during the election. Barringer replied that he just ensures the information is put on the website the night of the election, his other work is done a few weeks later when the final numbers are known. Barringer went on to say that, in addition to the sessions, he will be able to attend the live data help seminar. Rendleman said he is generally in favor of professional development. The consensus of the committee is that Barringer attend the conference. Then Barringer reported that it has been six months since the installation of the new domain, although there were a few kinks in the beginning, things seem to be running smoothly now and the county infrastructure is very healthy. Barringer concluded by reminding everyone that both the first.last and first initial last name emails are valid. Rendleman encouraged anyone who is interested to contact Barringer to review his proposed five year plan.
VI. 18-3632 Ambulance Director Search
The committee was presented with the applications received for the Ambulance Administrator position. Rendleman commented that there are some good applicants and also some that are not qualified. He asked any board member who has comments to contact him.
VII. 18-3633 County Highway Engineer Search
Peterson has looked at all of the applications and has selected four that she would like to interview. Rendleman stated that he and Peterson will be conducting the interviews and they plan to try and schedule interviews next week. Guthman has agreed to stay on as the Engineer of record until the county is able to hire someone. Peterson also said it looks like every applicant has the professional certifications necessary to be the County Engineer.
VIII. 18-3634 Open Appointments for August 2018 {6} a. 708 Mental Health Board (1)
b. Buncombe Water District (1)
c. ETSB 911 (1)
d. Jackson/Union Regional Port District (1)
e. Public Building Commission (2)
Currently there are not applicants for theopen appointments. Rendleman stated that contacted Brian Chapman about serving on the Public Building Commission and he plans to nominate Mr. Chapman at the September board meeting.
Old Business
New Business
IX. 18-3635 Air Methods Presentation
This presentation has been moved to the October meeting. ROE
X. 18-3636 Quarterly Report
Graff presented the committee with the quarterly report. She also reported that there is a teacher shortage and many classes are being taught by full time substitute teachers, especially special education teachers. She is working with SIU on a "grow your own" grant and reaching out to high school juniors and seniors to encourage them to go into teaching. Also, she is working with ISBE and the teacher unions to offer training opportunities. Finally, she reported that starting in 2019, it is mandatory that every school do active shooter training with the students within the first 90 days of school starting. Rendleman asked if Alexander County has paid the ROE, not yet but she will be asking them about it next week.
Nehring arrived during this discussion.
XI. 18-3637
2019 Holiday List
The committee discussed the holidays on the list provided by the Circuit Court.
A motion was made by Hunter, seconded by Peterson, to authorize the Holiday List for 201 9 as set forth by the First Judicial Circuit Court. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Executive Session
Adjourn (6:03 PM)
Endres moved and Petersonsecondedto adjourn.