Marion Chamber of Commerce recently issued the following announcement.
The My Tax Illinois Workshop will be held on July 10, 12, 18 and 27 from 8:30-10:30 a.m. Choose from 1 of the July workshops to learn more about My Tax Illinois - The Illinois Department of Revenue and the Illinois Department of Employment Security are two separate agencies that are using the same portal to process the various withholding and unemployment insurance reports and taxes. Find about more about My Tax Illinois at any of the July workshops.
RSVPs are required by noon the day before each workshop. Each workshop is free and open to members of the Marion Chamber of Commerce and Carbondale Chamber of Commerce only. All workshops will be held from 8:30-10:30 a.m. at Man-Tra-Con, 3000 West DeYoung, Suite 800B, Marion.
The Illinois Department of Employment Security has teamed up with the Marion Chamber of Commerce and the Carbondale Chamber of Commerce to put on a series of workshops to help you better understand and use their services. Participants in these workshops will be able to sign onto the IDES Web site and, if you wish, register for services. All workshops are free and are limited to members of either the Marion or Carbondale Chambers of Commerce. The workshops include: June - Illinois Job Link; July - My Tax Illinois; August - State Information Data Exchange System (SIDES).
Event Time:08:30 AM - 10:30 AM Central
3000 West DeYoung, Suite 800B
Marion, IL 62959
Original source can be found here.