
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Murphysboro Community Unit School District 186 Board of Education met April 17.

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Murphysboro Community Unit School District 186 Board of Education met April 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by Vice-President Kevin Beavers at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 17, 2018, in the Board Room at McElvain School, 593 Ava Road, Murphysboro, Illinois.

Board Members present: Mr. Beavers, Mrs. Doerr, Mr. Green, Mrs. Jaynes.

Board Members absent: Mrs. Miller, Mr. Runge, Dr. Corley.

Administrators Present: Mr. Grode, Mrs. Bush, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Huppert, Mrs. Ehlers

Administrators Absent: Mr. Keener

Others present: Georgia Marshall, John Keller, Stacie Tefft, Monica May, Melinda Pierson, Catlin Langellier, Michele Carter, Julie Sikorski, Jessica White, Mike Layne, Sharon Fry, Dawn Taylor, Bill Quigley, Kyle Quigley, Larry Chambers, Police Chief Roberts.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mr. Green.

Mr. Green made the motion and Mrs. Jaynes gave the second to approve the agenda as presented.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Miller, Runge, Corley

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Doerr made the motion and Mr. Green gave the second to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following items:

District #186 regular board meeting minutes dated March 20, 2018

District #186 special board meeting minutes dated March 5, 2018

Tri-County regular board meeting minutes dated March 7, 2018

Tri-County Bills for April 2018



A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Miller, Runge, Corley

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Miller arrived at approximately 6:32 p.m.

Mrs. Jaynes made the motion and Mr. Green gave the second to approve the bills for April 2018 as presented.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mrs. Jaynes – Aye Mrs. Doerr – Aye Mr. Beavers – Aye Mr. Green – Aye Mrs. Miller – Aye Dr. Corley – Absent Mr. Runge – Absent

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

Under Communications, Mrs. Miller made the motion and Mrs. Jaynes gave the second to accept the resignation as middle school cheer coach from Machelle Blevins effective May 31, 2018.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Runge, Corley

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Green made a motion and Mrs. Doerr gave the second to approve a maternity leave beginning the start of the 2018-2019 school year through October 9, 2018 for Kelsey Rohrer and using sick and deduct days for the leave.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Runge, Corley

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Jaynes made a motion and Mr. Green gave the second to approve the intent to retire under the IMRF Early Retirement Incentive effective June 30, 2018 from Debbie Miller.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Runge, Corley

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Jaynes made a motion and Mrs. Miller gave the second to approve the intent to retire under the IMRF Early Retirement Incentive effective June 30, 2018 from Linda Crain.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Runge, Corley

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Green made a motion and Mrs. Miller gave the second to approve the intent to retire under the IMRF Early Retirement Incentive effective June 30, 2018 from Durice Runge.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Runge, Corley

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Miller made a motion and Mr. Green gave the second to approve the intent to retire under the IMRF Early Retirement Incentive effective June 30, 2018 from Cashma Garner.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Runge, Corley

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Jaynes made a motion and Mr. Green gave the second to accept a verbal resignation from Jennifer Porter as cook.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Runge, Corley

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Doerr made the motion and Mr. Green gave the second to accept the resignation from Karley Christel as 8th grade writing teacher the end of the 2017-18 school year

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Runge, Corley

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

Fish Bowl items were read.

Mr. Beavers announced that former board president Mike Cripps is currently in the hospital with heart concerns. He asked that the family be kept in their thoughts and prayers.

Under the Freedom of Information Act, (1) Shriver Center inquired if the district employs a school resource officer(s); (2) MEA bargaining team requested information such as contract over $25,000; overtime payroll information; administrative salaries and contracts; board of education packets; information related to Tri-County Special Education Cooperative that we do not keep; (3) MEA bargaining team requested annual payroll for Schedule B including total cost with employee names and coaching years of service for all athletics and extracurricular stipends; district policy and hourly wage for contracted employees; (4) IEANEA requested to know how many teachers are fee payer (Fair Share), whether they are on 9, 10 or 12 month schedule and the district pay cycle.

Information has been submitted for all requests.

There were no comments made under Public Comment.

Under Employee Comment, Melinda Pierson, representing MEA, urged the board to consider staffing needs over building needs when making upcoming financial decisions and plans.

Under Old Business, Mr. Grode happily announced that April had arrived and funding has been established. The district should receive five payments over the next 3 months totaling $864,000.

Mr. Grode indicated that the construction at the high school is moving along nicely. The outside is coming together and is now undercover. Project remains on schedule.

Building staff needs included information that each building principal submitted providing needs and desires at that building. Bottom line is the need for more teachers and/or aides. Looking at number of students vs teachers, nine teachers would need to be added to meet the guideline of our Evidenced Based Model. Knowing this is not financially possible nor does the district have adequate classroom space, Mr. Grode discussed with the board the direction in which they preferred to move. This may also be the time to look at current buildings and the needs to keep them maintained, etc. Staffing, enrollments, and facilities will need to be coordinated to best meet the needs of the district and its financial capabilities. The board and administration will continue to discuss options and future planning.

Under District Facility plan, a feasibility study was conducted for all schools except the high school. Mid-range planning could include building a grades 3-5 addition onto the existing General John A. Logan Attendance Center, demolishing Carruthers, and building new middle school on Carruthers site.

Mrs. Miller made the motion and Mrs. Jaynes gave the second to approve a lease purchase agreement with First Southern Bank in the amount of $50,000 to be paid over a 5 year period and at an interest rate of 3.96%.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Runge, Corley

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

Under New Business, Mrs. Jaynes made a motion and Mr. Green gave the second to approve entering into an intergovernmental agreement with the Regional Office of Education to participate in the Project SOAR Alternative Education Program for the 2018-2019 school year.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Runge, Corley

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Green made a motion and Mrs. Doerr gave the second to approve entering into an intergovernmental agreement with the Regional Office of Education to participate in the COPE/Safe Schools Program for the 2018-2019 school year.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Runge, Corley

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

There was no motion on the administration’s recommendation to approve the athletic trainer contract with Athletico as presented. No action was taken as the board would like to take bids or receive quotes from other companies.

Mr. Grode presented the science curriculum for recommendation. Grades 3-5 selected FOSS; 6-8 selected Glencoe, middle school selected McGraw Hill, and the high school selected Pearson for special self-contained classes, regular ed Conceptual Physics, and Essentials of Human Anatomy. The high school also chose McGraw Hill for Earth Science, Cengage for World of Chemistry, and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for Biology. K-2 have not yet made their decision. Mr. Grode indicated that due to the costs of materials for 3-5 grades, he was only going to allow two of the three parts of the Science materials. The board supports the three parts for grades 3-5. Therefore, Mrs. Jaynes made the motion and Mrs. Doerr gave the second to approve the adoption of Science curriculum as amended.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mrs. Jaynes – Aye Mr. Runge – Absent Mr. Beavers – Aye Mrs. Doerr – Aye Dr. Corley – Absent Mrs. Miller – Aye Mr. Green – Aye

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

The Resilient Southern Illinois grant was recommended for application. This is an opportunity supported by the Illinois Education Association to address adverse childhood experiences. There is a $1000 cost associated to it. Mrs. Miller made a motion and Mrs. Jaynes gave the second to authorize the administration to apply for said grant.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Runge, Corley

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

The student/parent handbook was presented for its first reading. Concerns/questions may be addressed to Mr. Grode. The handbook will be presented at the May meeting for approval.

The individual building management plans were presented for the first reading. Concerns/questions may be addressed to Mr. Grode. The plans will be presented at the May meeting for approval.

Mrs. Miller made the motion and Mrs. Jaynes gave the second to move into closed session pursuant to Section 2 of the Open Meetings Act, 5 Illinois Compiled Statutes 120/2(c), to review:

1. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the district including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity;

2. Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mrs. Miller – Aye Dr. Corley – Absent Mr. Beavers – Aye Mrs. Jaynes – Aye Mrs. Doerr – Aye Mr. Runge – Absent Mr. Green – Aye

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

The board moved to closed session at 8:02 p.m. The board returned to open session at 10:15 p.m.

Mr. Green made a motion and Mrs. Jaynes gave the second to approve the closed session minutes from the regular meeting dated March 20, 2018

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Runge, Corley

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Doerr made the motion and Mr. Green gave the second to approve the dismissal of Bob Hall from all responsibilities associated with Murphysboro CUSD 186.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mrs. Doerr – Aye Mrs. Jaynes – Aye Mr. Beavers – Aye Mr. Green – Aye Mrs. Miller – Aye Dr. Corely – Absent Mr. Runge – Absent

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Green made the motion and Mrs. Miller gave the second to employ Cheryl Brasel as high school head cheer coach and Carleigh Schimpf as high school head dance coach for the 2018-19 school year.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. Green – Aye Mrs. Jaynes – Aye Mr. Beavers – Aye Mrs. Miller – Aye Mr. Runge – Absent Mrs. Doerr – Aye Dr. Corley – Absent

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Jaynes made the motion and Mrs. Miller gave the second to authorize the posting of the following positions:

Key Club sponsor 4th grade teacher 3 middle school teachers

The vice-president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Grode recognized the following who have or will achieve their contractual continued service with District 186 this year: Karla Baker, Rebekah McNeely, Heather Parr, Josh Williams, Darl Young, and Gail Scott.

Mr. Green made the motion and Mrs. Doerr gave the second to adjourn the meeting at 10:24 p.m.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Runge, Corley

The president declared the motion carried.
