
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Carbondale Elementary School District #95 Board of Education met December 6.


Carbondale Elementary School District #95 Board of Education met December 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Roll Call:

Upon roll call, the following members were present:

Mr. John Major, President

Mr. Carlton Smith, Vice President

Ms. Erinn Murphy, Secretary

Ms. Michelle Connet

Ms. Catherine Field

Mr. Gary Shepherd

Ms. Natasha Zaretsky

Administrators present:

Mr. Justin M. Miller, Assistant Superintendent

2. Public Comments - None

3. Approval of Agenda

Smith moved, seconded by Zaretsky, Recommend approving the Agenda:

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Murphy, Connet, Field, Shepherd, Zaretsky, Major, Smith

No votes: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

4. Consent Agenda Items - None

5. Committee Reports

5.1 President’s Remarks – John Major

6. Old Business - None

7. New Business - None

8. Executive Session 5:05 pm

Roll Call:

Mr. John Major, President

Mr. Carlton Smith, Vice President

Ms. Erinn Murphy, Secretary

Ms. Michelle Connet

Ms. Catherine Field

Mr. Gary Shepherd

Ms. Natasha Zaretsky

Field moved, seconded by Smith, to enter Executive Session at 5:05 PM for the purpose of discussing performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel matters, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Murphy, Connet, Field, Shepherd, Zaretsky, Major, Smith

No votes: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Executive Session adjourned at 9:15 pm.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Major, Connet, Field, Shepherd, Zaretsky, Murphy, Smith

No: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

9. Next Scheduled Meetings

9.1 Thursday, December 7, 2017

Superintendent Candidate Interviews

CES95 Administrative Center

5:00 pm

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Superintendent Candidate Meet & Greet (Open To The Public)

Interviews – 2ND round (Closed Session)

CES95 Administrative Center

5:00 pm

*Thursday, December 14, 2017

Regular Board Meeting (Open To The Public)

CES95 Administrative Center

6:00 pm

6:05 pm Motion and Roll Call Vote to go into Executive Session (Closed) for the purpose of discussing matters relating to the performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation.

7:00 pm Reconvene Regular Board Meeting Public Session (Open To The Public)

*This Is Not A Fourth Thursday

10 Public Comments (Name & Address of Person Speaking) - None

11. Adjournment

Smith moved, seconded by Zaretsky, Recommend Adjournment at 9:19PM.

Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Major, Connet, Field, Shepherd, Zaretsky, Murphy, Smith

No votes: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.
