
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee met December 11.

Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee met Dec. 11.

Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:

Call to Order (5:00 PM)

Members Present: Erbes, Hunter, Larkin, Maxwell, Peterson and Rendleman

Members Absent: Comparato and D. Bost

Also Present: Tamiko Mueller, Larry Reinhardt, Sharon Harris-Johnson, Sarah Patrick, Josh Barringer, Michelle Tweedy

Approval of Minutes

I. 17-3009 November 13, 2017 Minutes

A motion was made by Erbes, seconded by Maxwell, to approve the November 13, 201 7 minutes as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Chair's Report

None at this time.


II. 17-3010 Worker's Compensation Update

a. Settlement Agreement/Authority

b. Duties

A. Tweedy informed the committee that the case they authorized Miles to settle for $18,051.89 the claimant has said they will now settle for $20,000. The committee discussed what they would like to do; the consensus is to settle for $20,000 provided they can get assurances that this will be the end of the claim and the board finds out who is representing the county in the claim. The committee authorized the chair or their designee to settle the claim for up to $20,000.

B. The committee coordinator informed the committee that she is not sure what she is supposed to be doing with regard to the work comp duties. She has all the incoming mail but does not have access to any software or contact information for anyone who handles the counties work comp claims. Tweedy confirmed that the committee coordinator is uneasy about taking on the duties without receiving more guidance. Rendleman asked Barringer to reset the password on the computer to see if that would give access to the work comp software. Rendleman and Hunter will reach out to IPMG to find out what needs to be done to designate a new work comp representative and find out where to file claims. Larkin mentioned looking into having a third party handle work comp.

A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Erbes, to authorize the Chair of the Finance & Administration Committee or their designee to settle the work comp claim for up to $20,000.

The motion carried by unanimous vote.

III. 17-3011 Health Insurance Update

a. Consociate Benefits Buzz-December 2017

b. Release of Personal Health Information Agreement

A. This is for informational purposes.

B. Hunter informed the committee that since the board decided to go with a new medical management company this release of health information is necessary to engage the company.

A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Erbes, to approve the release of health information agreement with all available information selected. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

IV. 17-3012 Payment of Health Insurance Claims

Tweedy reviewed the information included in the packet and went through the spreadsheet she created that outlines the current state of county health insurance claims.

A motion was made by Erbes, seconded by Maxwell, to authorize payment of health insurance claims in the amount of $215,256.56. The motion carried by unanimous vote.


A. Payment of County Monthly Claims

B. Payment of Board Member Travel Expenses

A. Larkin moved and Maxwell seconded to authorize payment of the county monthly claims in the a mount of $453,524.05; motion carried.

B. Maxwell moved and Larkin seconded to authorize payment of the board members travel reimbursement in the amount of $3,168.24, this reflects the amendment of Rendleman's per diem to remove the $35 for the Liquor Advisory Board meeting; motion carried.

V. 17-3013 Illinois Department of Employment Security

Reinhardt informed the committee that the state has billed the county late fees for the July and August filing. The late fees were incurred due to IDES installing a new filing program that created issues with uploading the information from the county. This issue has been addressed and Barringer assured the committee that a confirmation page will be received after each upload in the future. Reinhardt is appealing the bill with the help of ICRMT, he will keep the committee apprised of the progress.

VI. 17-3014 South Western Communications Inc.

Tweedy informed the committee that the bill for the upgrade to the DVR equipment at the jail is $610 more than what the board authorized. She also reminded them that the board approved the funding to come from the housing of prisoners fund.

A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Erbes, to authorize an additional $610 from the housing of prisoners fund. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

VII. 17-3015 KEB Engagement Letter

Larkin inquired about whether the county should consider engaging a new auditor for the county. The concensus of the committee is to look at this in the summer of 2018 to see if it is something the county wants to do.

A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Maxwell, to approve engaging Kerber, Eck & Braeckel as the auditors for the county. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

VIII. 17-3016 Coroner's Fees

The committee reviewed the request from the Coroner to use his fee funding to pur chase a vehicle. Tweedy informed the committee that his fee money goes into his budget to cover operating costs and that his budget already accounts for the fees being used to off set his operating costs. The committee discussed how to address the request; the consensus is to have the Chair send a letter to the coroner explaining everything.

IX. 17-3017 BS&A Training

Hunter informed the committee that Tweedy is working on scheduling BS&A to come to the county on January 18th and 19th to provide training for W2's, 1095's and payroll. The committee discussed the possible cost, where funding would come from, and additional training. Harris-Johnson commented that she would like some training on how the time sheet program tracks comp, sick and vacation time. This will be looked at in the future, the training in January is strictly for W2's, 1095's and payroll.

A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Erbes, to authorize additional BS&A training for W2's, 1095's and payroll with the funding coming from contingency. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

X. 17-3018 Public Building Commission

a. General Obligation Bonds

Hunter gave the committee a brief recap of the Public Building Commission meeting she attended the previous week. Tweedy reviewed the handout she provided on the general obligation bonds. The committee discussed the pros and cons of paying the bonds off early and looking into moving the money to an account with a higher interest rate. Hunter will work with the Treasurer to see what can be done. This item will remain on the agenda for the next meeting.


Old Business

New Business

Executive Session

Adjourn (6:16 PM)

Erbes moved and Larkin seconded to adjourn, motion carried.
