
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Murphysboro City Council met November 28.

Webp meeting372

City of Murphysboro City Council met Nov. 28.

Here is the agenda provided by the Council:

Mayor Stephens called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and Reverend Sam Foskey led the council in prayer. Following the invocation, Mayor Stephens led the council in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Mayor Stephens then directed Deputy City Clerk Ripley to call the roll. The roll was called with the following

Present: Barb Hughes, Jance Curry-Witzman, Russell Brown, Herb Voss, Gary McComb, John Erbes, Mike Bastien, Dan Bratton, Gloria Campos, WJ Pittman

Absent: Herb Voss, Gary McComb

The council then reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting.

Motion: To approve the minutes of the November 14th, 2017 council meeting. All aldermen received a copy of the minutes, for their review, prior to the meeting. Motion by Alderman Bratton Second by Alderman Brown Mayor called for a voice vote. All were in favor. Motion Carried

Mayor Stephens presented the accounts payable registers for consideration. There were no questions or comments.

Motion: To approve the accounts payable registers #644 through November 28th, 2017. All aldermen received a copy of the accounts payable for their review prior to the meeting. Motion by Alderman Erbes Second by Alderman Bratton Mayor called for a voice vote. All were in favor. Motion Carried


Chairman Pittman opened discussion for Budget & Finance related items. There were no old business for discussion. The proposed water and sewer rate increase was then reviewed. It was stated that this increase is due to a rate increase in the amount of 12.9% from Kinkaid-Reed’s Creek Conservancy District. It was further stated that this increase would be effective January 1, 2018.

Motion: To approve the proposed 5.95% water and sewer increase effective January 1, 2018. Motion by Alderman Campos Second by Alderman Bratton Mayor called for a voice vote. All were in favor. Motion Carried

There was no public comment on Budget and Finance related items.

Mayor Stephens opened discussion for Building and Grounds related items. Under old business, Mayor Stephens stated that Attorney Heller is reviewing a preliminary agreement and that it should be ready for council review at the next meeting. Attorney Blake advised that Attorney Heller is also working on a letter to be sent to Union Pacific Railroad with a list of our maintenance records and requesting the same from them. Will keep the council informed as more information is available.

Mayor Stephens then opened the bids for the replacement of the roof at the Senior Citizens Center. The bids received were from Clover Roofing in the amount of $59,500; Tri-County Roofing Inc. for $67,000; Geissler Roofing Company for $97,900 and D.E. Martin Roofing Company in the amount of $50,388. The D.E. Martin Roofing Company added $5,220 for moving of the HVAC system on the roof. Alderman Bratton would like additional clarification of the low bidder.

Motion: To approve the bid of $55,608 to D.E. Martin Roofing Company pending clarification of the bid. Motion by Alderman Campos Second by Alderman Brown Mayor called for a voice vote. All were in favor. Motion Carried

There was no public comment on Building and Grounds related items.

Chairman Erbes opened discussion for Community Relations items. There was no old business or new business on the agenda. However, Alderman Erbes did wish to remind everyone of the Murphysboro Hometown Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony scheduled to take place this Friday, December 1st at 6:00 p.m. at Town Center Park as well as the other activities that they have planned for the weekend.

There was no public comment on Community Relations related items.

Chairman Bastien opened discussion for Public Improvement related items. There was no old or new business on the agenda.

There was no public comment on Public Improvement related items.

Alderman Bratton opened discussion for Public Works related items. There was no old business on the agenda. Alderman Bratton described the project for extending the storm drain for the Pond Creek Drainage off of Roberta Drive. He explained that this is needed to allow the proper water flow. The cost is approximately $2,500 for the piping from the roadway to the ditch with installation performed by City staff. Mike Austin inquired if there were plans to take the drainage further. Mayor Stephens advised that he has had conversations with the property owner and is still trying to negotiate a deal to make that happen.

Motion: To approve the purchase of storm drain piping at an approximate cost of $2500 for the Pond Creek Drainage. Motion by Alderman Bastien Second by Alderman Brown Mayor called for a voice vote. All were in favor. Motion Carried

There was no public comment on Public Works related items.

Alderman Brown opened discussion for Public Safety related items. There were no old business items for discussion. Under new business, the agenda included the consideration of an ordinance amending the offense of fighting by agreement. Attorney Blake advised that he would like to table this item once again until Attorney Heller was satisfied with the language. Alderman Bastien inquired how this item became an issue. Chief Roberts stated that Judge Fiello did not like the language and suggested the revision.

There was no public comment on Public Safety related items.

Alderman Hughes opened discussion for Personnel related items. There were no old items for discussion and there was no need for an executive session as stated on the agenda. The FOP contract is not ready for review and the salary for the fire chief was discussed at the previous Budget and Finance committee meeting.

There was no public comments on Personnel related items.


Mayor Stephens had nothing to report.


Barb Hughes Nothing

Jance Curry-Witzman Nothing

Russell Brown Nothing

John Erbes Nothing

Dan Bratton Nothing

Mike Bastien Nothing

Gloria Campos Stated that she has been discussing ways to increase our revenues and help our community grow. Looking at a residential TIF District.

WJ Pittman Nothing


Sandra Ripley Nothing

Richard Blake Nothing

Harold Sheffer Final payout estimate for the WWTP should be ready at

the next meeting

Steve Swafford HazMat refresher training is scheduled for this Thursday

Chad Roberts Officers Riggs and Mier will graduate from the 14-week

academy this Friday. They are good additions to the department.

Darrin Mills Nothing

Eric Kennedy Nothing

Jim Stewart Nothing

Motion: To adjourn Motion by Alderman Bratton Second by Alderman Campos Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor. Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned at 6:37 p.m.
