Illinois Heartland Library System Operations & Facilities Committee met June 16.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
Sarah Isaacs (chair)
Charlene Topel
Gary Denue
Sara Zumwalt
Debbie Owen
Susan Pennington
Call to Order
Sarah Isaacs called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.
Roll Call
Members present: Sarah Isaacs, Gary Denue, Susan Pennington joined at 4:21 pm
Absent: Charlene Topel and Debbie Owens
Others present: Sandy West, Susan Palmer (joined 4:26 p.m.)
New Business –
Delivery Survey Results
Leslie began to provide overview of the Delivery survey that was sent out to 518 IHLS
members. The survey response totaled 221 (40%), mainly consisting of public library
results. With the work from LASA and the survey it is hoped to improve efficiency of delivery
and move toward SMART delivery (5 day functional). Some of the members are still unsure
what hub is providing their delivery service. Susan Palmer joined called and Leslie exited call at
4:27 p.m. Susan was going to review remaining points, and assumed the committee had been
provided a copy of the results and her written summary. Sarah Isaacs stated that she had
not. It was recommended by chair to table the remaining review until all committee members
has been given the documents and reviewed them.
Public Comment
Sandy West motioned to adjourn. Gary Denue second. Motion carried. Adjourned at 4:38 p.m.