Illinois Heartland Library System Advocacy Committee met Oct. 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Call to Order
-Tina Hubert filled in as chair in Sandy West’s absence. Tina called the committee to order at 3:32 p.m.
Roll Call
Members present: Tina Hubert, Geoff Bant, Bev Obert, Susan Pennington, Leslie Bednar, Ellen Popit, Susan Pennington entered at 3:55 p.m.
Members absent: Sandy West
Others present: Stacie Bushong, Traci Edwards
Approval of Minutes
-Bev Obert motion to accept the August 2017 minutes. Geoff Bant second. Motion carried.
Unfinished Business
Rebranding Update
-The Priorities team had an opportunity to create materials to present to Dr. Carla Hayden and Representative Rodney Davis at the Rochester Public Library visit with the Librarian of Congress on September 9, 2017. It allowed the team to create materials that can be used for future events. The documents created are a general information piece, an infographic and a public library information sheet to customize for legislators. Media packets were also created to use for future advocacy opportunities.
New Business
Target List
-Ellen Popit consolidated and cleaned up the list to prioritize who to contact first. The second level are people we could reach out to through first level contacts. The third level is big picture targets.
Rename Committee
-The name of the group was discussed and the new option (Advocacy and Education Committee) will be presented at the next committee meeting for vote.
-Leslie Bednar shared the info graphic created by the Priorities team.
Additional Laura Huth Training
-The committee would like to bring specific projects to Laura Huth for assistance rather than another general training. Suggestions include: committee meet with Ms. Huth as a consultant and training with definable goal and practical outcome.
Moving Forward
-Committee determined to focus on the education network. Bring ideas to the next meeting as to who, why and how.
Public Comment
-Next meeting will be November 7, 3:30 p.m.
-Susan Pennington motioned to adjourn. Bev Obert second. Motion carried. Adjourned 4:35 p.m.