City of Carbondale Library Board met Sept. 12.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
Call to order.
Called to order at 4:30 p.m.
Roll call.
Introductions, audience and visitors. Visitors are asked to introduce themselves at this time and present any issues they wish to discuss. Visitors wishing to address specific agenda items will be granted two to five minutes at the discretion of the President, not to exceed a total of twenty minutes. The Library Board may cut short any comments that are irrelevant, repetitious, or disruptive. (Id. at 1425-26).
Philip Brown, President
Barbara Levine, Vice President (1)
Joyce Hayes, Secretary
Roland Person
Julian Pei
Harriet Simon (2)
Sharifa Stewart (1)
Susan Tulis (1)
Don Prosser, Treasurer (2)
The number following the Trustee’s name indicates the number of absences this fiscal year.
Staff present.
Diana Brawley Sussman, Library Director
Gwen Hall Grosshenrich, Finance Manager
Visitors present.
President’s report.
The board congratulates Diana Brawley Sussman on her Illinois Librarian of the Year Award: “Diana, we are exceedingly proud of you. Certainly all of us realize what an outstanding librarian and administrator you are. And that your heart and mind are consistently in the right place. Throw in your very pro-active, forward-thinking approach, and you have a highly regarded director. Diana, receiving the ILA honor is confirmation of your remarkable ability and achievement.”
Secretary’s report.
1. Approval of June 14, 2017 minutes. Susan Tulis made a motion to approve the minutes. Roland Person seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Correspondence and communications.
Financial report.
1. Approval of bills payable up to and including bills due July 16, 2017 to August 15, 2017. Bills include masonry work. Philip Brown moved to pay the bills. Harriet Simon seconded. MOTION passed unanimously.
2. Acceptance of the financial report for June 2017. The Finance Manager reported that we have finished out the grant cycle for this year’s Project Next Generation. Julian Pei moved to accept the financial report.
Joyce Hayes seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Librarian’s report.
1. Building and grounds maintenance. Reviewed progress of masonry work.
2. Illinois Public Library Annual Report (IPLAR). Reviewed the report, noting the following statistics:
What’s up:
- Total annual visits/attendance in the library: FY16 107,884; FY17 127,679
- Total reference transactions: FY16 45,487; FY17 47,535
- Number of Internet sessions: FY16 27,169; FY17 27,273
- Total number of programs: FY16 429; FY17 542
- Total program attendance: FY16 7,660; FY17 8,354
What’s down:
- State revenue down $21,849. FY16 Per Capita Grant $32,378; FY17 Per Capita Grant $19,967. FY16 Replacement Tax $46,843; FY17 Replacement Tax $37,405
- Total number of materials loaned: FY16 140,963; FY17 138,486
- Total number of unexpired registered users: FY16 3,131; FY17 2,885 (There are two ways to count these numbers, so these statistics appear lower than we believe they are).
The board discussed ways to improve card registration, as many users do not have cards, but attend programs, and use the computers as guests. Philip Brown suggested that we encourage program attendees to register for library cards.
3. Other. We had excellent programmatic success in partnership with WSIU and the Rainbow Café for the Real Boy program.
Committee reports.
Unfinished business.
New business.
Adjourned at 5:03 p.m.