
Carbondale Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Carbondale Park District Board met March 13.

Webp meeting 11

City of Carbondale Park District Board met March 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Roll Call: Upon Roll Call, the following commissioners were Present: Erickson, Flowers, Hollister and Welch. Commissioner Absent: Coleman. Staff present: Burns, Childers, Day, Green, Lewis, Renfro, Robinson and Legal Counsel, Mike Twomey. Staff Absent: Keller.

General Announcements: Director Renfro announced that there were some changes to the Superintendents reports that will was discussed at the Board Retreat. The superintendent reformatted their reports and will give highlights.

Approval of Agenda: It was moved by Commissioner Hollister and seconded by Commissioner Erickson to approve the agenda as printed. Upon roll call vote the following Commissioners voting aye: Erickson, Flowers, Hollister and Welch. Commissioner Absent: Coleman. President Welch ordered the motion passed.

Action Taken: The Agenda was approved as printed.

Citizens Comments and Questions: None.

Reports of Park District Citizen Advisory Committees and Department Reports:

Administration and Finance Advisory Committee - - Commissioner Flowers reported that the committee is scheduled to meet on March 20th and at that time he will share with them what was discussed at the retreat and get their response and concerns.

Aquatic Center Advisory Committee - - Commissioner Erickson reported that the committee had met with nine members in attendance. They reviewed the 2016 season at the Splash Park, attendance, expense, income and rainy day numbers. The contract with Midwest Management was discussed with everyone in agreement that they continue to manage the pool. The committee looked at a May 2017 calendar and discussed maybe considered opening earlier for schools aquatic activities. Other fundraiser activities were discussed and Stephanie Reece reported that Midwest Management was actively recruiting lifeguards and other workers for the upcoming season. Ms. Reece also reported that the Cyclones swim club will host six dual swim meets at the Splash Park, there will be an Art sales at the University Mall sponsored by the Lions Club to raise monies and the plastic bottle cap mural that will displayed at the Splash Park is underway.

Child Care Advisory Committee - - Director Renfro reported that the committee had met with one parent in attendance. They discussed spring break, summer themes and new rates.

Golf Advisory Committee - - No meeting scheduled.

Grounds, Facilities & Recreation Advisory Committee - - Commissioner Hollister reported that the committee had met in February and discussed the Boy/Girls Scouts swimming and safety badges, the letters that will be going out to the parents at Parrish School regarding the Learn to Swim Program that will be starting after Spring break. The committee also discussed the Skate Park and the meeting that will be scheduled for the public to review the design. The District will be doing this collaborative project along with the City of Carbondale and SIUC Recreational Sports and Services. New signage has been done a various park district locations and the committee had a new member, Gloria Scott. They would like to discuss in the future a digital sign at Turley Park.

Treasurer’s Report: Commissioner Flowers reported that the district is entering a new period and we are issuing TAW’s earlier in the year than usual. The budget comparison for January 2016 through December 2016 that was include in the packet shows revenue was under the projected budget and expenses was also under budget. He also reported that the Admin Committee would be looking at the childcare department to figure out whether childcare can continue to operate. It is a wonderful program but there are concerns.

Directors Report: Director Renfro reported that a TAW was issued for $50,000 in February and it was used for the final payment on the Super Splash Park construction debt so the district no longer owes any outside entities but the Splash Park do owe the general fund $560,000. Staff also attended several meetings in February. Director Renfro also informed the board to look at the information included in packet from IPARKS regarding some insurance coverage that the board is eligible for at no cost.

Superintendent’s Reports:

Superintendent of Golf Operations: Mike Day reported that golf operations generated in February 2017 883 rounds of golf and $30,500 in revenue compared to February 2016 when they generated 590 rounds of golf and $22,000 in revenue. The kitchen will be open for business on March 21 and within the next couple of weeks, some of the part time staff will be returning. The 2017 season pass renewals are a little above average for this time of year. The Saluki Invitational will be held on March 26th and 27th. The seniors will be having a meeting on the 22nd the members come out and some will at that time renew their season pass. Director Renfro announced that on May 4 SIPRA would be having a luncheon at the golf course and will be donating a bench in memory of George Whitehead.

Superintendent of Golf Maintenance: Mike Green reported that during the month of February staff spent time mainly cleaning up the course getting ready for the Saluki Invitational. Spraying the fairways and tees has been finish and the greens were mowed for the first time last week.

Superintendent of Park Operations: Ed Robinson was present but had no report.

Director of Alice Wright Day Care Center: Debbie Keller was absent her report was included in packet.

Kids Korner: Katy Burns reported that kids korner had generated $3,957.12 in revenue with 32 children enrolled in January of 2017 compared to January of 2016 when they generated $4,965.00 in revenue with 29 children enrolled. The difference in the revenue is contributed to CCRR payments and when they are received from the State. Staff is working on the garden to make it more organized. Staff also attended at School Age Youth Development training at the Boys and Girls Club with the focus being age appropriate activities for that group. On Presidents Day, about 18 children went on a hike at Giant City Park.

Superintendent of Recreation: Jane Childers reported on the revenue for Aquatics Dept. in January 2017 they generated $6,480 compared to January 2016 when they generated $5,802. The Recreation dept. generated $3,661 in January 2017 compared to January 2016 when they generated $7,336 in revenue. The Super Splash Park generated in January 2017 $7,020 in revenue (sales from passes and gift certificates). There were no comparison for January 2016 since the Splash Park did not open until May 2016. Jane reviewed the program enrollment, pool attendance and upcoming events. She also said staff had applied for a grant with SIH and Ronald McDonald Foundation for the Parrish School Swim Lessons. Staff examined the past prices at Super Splash Park and will be instituting price increases. The Autism Research and treatment Center will be having monthly workshops at the Life Center.

After all reports were given and all questions and asked and answered it was moved by Commissioner Flowers and seconded by Commissioner Hollister to accept and place the reports on file. Upon roll call vote, the following Commissioner voted aye: Erickson, Flowers, Hollister and Welch. Commissioners Absent: Coleman. President Welch ordered the motion passed.

Action Taken: The reports were accepted by the board and placed on file.

Consent Agenda: It was then moved by Commissioner Erickson and seconded by Commissioner Flowers to approve the consent agenda as presented. Upon roll call vote, the following Commissioner voted aye: Erickson, Flowers, Hollister and Welch. Commissioners Absent: Coleman. President Welch ordered the motion passed.

Action Taken: The consent agenda was approved as presented.

Unfinished Business:

Discussion/Approval of Camping on Park District Property for the Solar Eclipse - - Director Renfro said staff brought the enclosed Ordinance to the Board back in November, but since then things have changed. The District may not need to provide that service at Evergreen Park. Several other locations will be providing camping, some indoors. Staff is recommending that the board not move forward with camping on Park District property and we should let the public know that the district will not be providing camping. After further discussion and all questions asked and answered Legal Counsel suggested that the board give it a few more months before deciding if the district will or will not provide camping at Evergreen Park. Director Renfro said if they do, decided to provide camping it would have to go back to the City Council for approval. Director Renfro will do some more research regarding how much time the board has to make the decision and bring it that information back to the next regular scheduled meeting.

Action Taken: No action needed.

New Business:

Discussion/Approval of City Fair Days for the 2017 Sunset Concert Series - - Director Explained that this is something that is done annually for the consumption of alcohol during the Sunset Concerts at Turley Park. With Board approval, this request would go to the City Council for final approval. It was moved by Commissioner Flowers and seconded by Commissioner Hollister to approve staff request for City Fair Days for the 2017 Sunset Concert Series. Upon roll call vote, the following Commissioner voted aye: Erickson, Flowers, Hollister and Welch. Commissioners Absent: Coleman. President Welch ordered the motion passed.

Action Taken: The Board approved staff request for City Fair Days for the 2017 Sunset Concert Series and to get final approval from City Council.

Items for Future Agendas: Camping on Park District property and the 2016 Audit Report.

Board Comments: President Welch said he thought the Board/Staff retreat was very effective and it has been requested that another one be done to focus on the Life Center. Commissioner Flowers commented that at the Dog Park meeting it had somehow got out that the park district was donating some land for the dog park. However, it was his understanding that the district has not made any commitments. He also announced that the April 4 election is coming up and it is very important to vote. Director Renfro said that a member of the Grounds, Facilities and Recreation committee has been appointed to serve on the Dog Park Committee.

Adjournment: There being no further business it was then moved by Commissioner Erickson and seconded by Commissioner Hollister to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call, the following commissioners voted aye: Erickson, Flowers, Hollister and Welch. Commissioners Absent: Coleman. President Welch ordered the motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 6:36 p.m.
