Jackson County Board of Trustees met May 23.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Recognition of Visitors
Citizen Comments
Agency Reports
Chairman Report
Approval of Consent Agenda
I. 17-2475 April 18, 2017 Minutes
II. 17-2476 Graduate Assistant Position in Board Office
III. 17-2477 County Board Organizational Chart Adoption
IV. 17-2480 Payment of Health Insurance Claims in the amount of $254,170.43
V. 17-2478 Amendment #6 to Plan Document and Summary of Plan Description
VI. 17-2479 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2017-18 Parcel #14-05-281-007
VII. 17-2481 Payment of County Monthly Claims in the amount of $422,363.09
VIII. 17-2482 Board Members' Travel Reimbursement in the amount of $854.68
IX. 17-2484 Shawnee Hills Wine Trail $5,000 for advertising only, from the balance of the Hotel/Motel Tax
fund and the remaining from Rehab and Care Fund
X. 17-2485 Business Associate Agreement with Pro Com Services of Illinois Inc.
XI. 17-2495 Payment of Ambulance Service Monthly Claims in the amount of $25,885.21
XII. 17-2486 Proposed Amendment to Humane Society contract to include specifically working with St.
Francis CARE Animal Shelter and other local organizations
XIII. 17-2487 Payment of Highway Monthly Claims in the amount of $261,189.21
XIV. 17-2488 Contract Bond Approval for County MFT Section 17-00000-00-GM
XV. 17-2489 Contract Bond Approval for Township MFT Section 17-XX000-00-GM
XVI. 17-2490 Highway Authority Agreement for Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident near Ava Road
XVII. 17-2491 Indemnification Agreement for Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident near Ava Road
XVIII. 17-2492 Degognia Township Request for Matching Funds for Hamilton Road
XIX. 17-2493 Ordinance 2017-04 for the Establishment of an Altered Speed Zone
XX. 17-2494 Purchase of Sign for County Parking Lot
Standing Committee Reports
Executive Committee
XXI. 17-2496 Board of Health - Heins, Comparato
XXII. 17-2497 Board of Review - Karnes, Whitfield
XXIII. 17-2498 Lakeside Water District - Reusch
XXIV. 17-2499 Liquor Advisory Board - S. Bost, Endres
XXV. 17-2500 Murdale Water District - Lipe, Rothe, Varner
XXVI. 17-2501 South Highway Water District - Blair
XXVII.17-2502 Southern Most Tourism Bureau - Wilson
XXVIII.17-2503 Building Commission
Finance & Administration Committee
XXIX. 17-2504 FY2016 Audit
XXX. 17-2505 Southern Illinoisan subscription cancellation
XXXI. 17-2506 Adjustment of County Pay Schedule at third week of June
XXXII.17-2507 Additional BS&A Training
Real Property Committee
Legislative & Public Safety Committee
Special Committee Reports
Executive Session
XXXIII.17-2508 Executive Session under 2 (c)(21) of the Illinois Open Meeting Act to discuss minutes of
meetings lawfully closed
Old Business
New Business