Herrin City Council met April 10.
Here is the minutes as provided by the council:
Minutes of March 13, 2017 Meeting
Motion made by Alderman Shoemake, seconded by Alderman York to approve the minutes of the March 27, 2017 Council Meeting. Alderman Shoemake, McGuire, York, Kinley, Sizemore and Ahlgren voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".
Minutes of April 5, 2017 Special Meeting
MINUTES OF Motion made by Alderman McGuire, seconded by Alderman Kinley to approve the minutes of April 5, 2017 Special Meeting. Alderman McGuire, York, Kinley, Sizemore, Ahlgren and Shoemake voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".
Minutes Corrected January 9, 2017 Executive Session Meeting
Motion made by Alderman Sizemore, seconded by Alderman Ahlgren to approve the corrected minutes of the January 9, 2017 executive session. Alderman York, Kinley, Sizemore. Ahlgren, Shoemake and McGuire voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".
Treasurer's Report
Treasurer Carl Goodwin stated that we are working with two companies to renew bond. Should have information next council meeting.
Budget Office
Carrie Cravens, Budget Director stated that regarding insurance, we will be having employees fill out Survey on line so we can bid out to several companies. Current company renewal is 40% higher.
Codes Administrator Robert Craig had nothing to report.
Public Works
Bill Sizemore, Chairman of the Public Works Committee stated Spring Cleanup is April 24-28.
Tom Somers, Public Works Director had nothing to report.
Public Improvement
Marilyn Ruppel, Chairman of the Public Improvement Committee was absent from the meeting.
Public Safety
Jimmie Loyd, Deputy Police Chief stated that we are almost ready for golf cart/utv inspections. We are
waiting on Stickers.
Fire Department had no representatives here.
David Shoemake, Chairman of the Public Safety Committee had nothing to report.
Motion was made by Alderman York, seconded by Alderman Shoemake to authorize bills to be paid before the Council. Alderman Kinley, Sizemore, Ahlgren, Shoemake, McGuire and York voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".
Deon McGuire, Chairman of the Insurance Committee had nothing to report.
Library Liason
Marilyn Ruppel, Liaison for the Herrin City Library was absent from the meeting.
Civic Center Liason
Scott Kinley, Liaison for the Herrin Civic Center stated SI Opry will be on 4/15, HJHS dance 4/22, Chamber luncheon 4/25 and Barbershop quartet 4/29.
Swearing In
Shelly Huggins, City Clerkswore in new Fire Chief Shawn Priddy,
New Business
Budget 5/1/17-4/30/18
Motion made by Alderman York, seconded by Alderman Ahlgren to approve the budget for 2017-2018. Carrie and Carl spend a lot of time on this. The City had a public input meeting a few weeks ago, Where infrastructure seemed to be the topic. This budget is approximately a 3% increase over last year. New budget amount is $16,187,383.00. Alderman Sizemore, Ahlgren, Shoemake, McGuire, York and Kinley voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".
City Hall will be closed Friday, April 14. Trash will be picked up.
May 6 is Rotary Downtown Clean up. Meet at 9:45 a.m. at the Civic Center.
Thanks to Ed Avripas and downtown revitalization for new lighting and landscaping at the City parking lot on 14th St.
Alderman York stated that the Farmer's Market will open April 29 in lot across from Les Marie Florist.
Alderman McGuire stated that the street lights by the post office and south a block are still not working properly.
Alderman Ahlgren stated that if you have a door-to-door Solicitor, ask to see their permit. If they do not have one, call the police.
Helen Russell commented about the wail by the Elks. The Elks are working on a solution.
Beverly Griffith stated there is a limb hanging by 4 Street again. She asked to have a street light checked east of 4th St. on Herrin St. Weaver Road needs repair right off of 148.
Motion made by Alderman McGuire, seconded by Alderman Kinley to adjourn. Alderman Ahlgren, Shoemake, McGuire, York, Kinley and Sizemore voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".