Illinois Heartland Library System Board of Directors met March 28.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Call to Order:
Sandy West called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
Roll Call:
-Board Members:
Carbondale: Clyde Hall
Champaign: Bev Obert, Charlene Topel, Geoffrey Bant (entered 5:09)
Decatur: John Phillips (exited 5:55)
Edwardsville: Mary Beil, Gary Denue, Tina Hubert, Debbie Owen, Sara Zumwalt
Illinois State Library: Rachel Fuller
Morrison-Talbott: Mary Barteau, Sandy West
Phone: Gary Jones
Absent: Sarah Isaacs (excused)
-Other Attendees:
Carbondale: Troy Brown, Ellen Popit
Champaign: Robert Brady, Mary Johnston
Edwardsville: Stacie Bushong, Chris Dawdy, Brandon Chapman, Colleen Dettenmeier, Adrienne Elam, Rhonda Johnisee, Shirley Paden, Susan Palmer
Illinois State Library: Greg McCormick, Deb Aggertt, Mark Schaeffer, Vandella Brown, Leslie Bednar
Morrison-Talbott: Elaine Steingrubey (entered 5:13 p.m.)
Sandy West asked the board to approve changes to the agenda. Tina Hubert motion to approve changes to the agenda. John Phillips second. Carried.
Consent Agenda:
Mary Barteau motion to approve the consent agenda. Gary Denue second. Motion approved.
Approval of Bills February 2017:
Tina Hubert motion to approve February 2017 bills. Debbie Owen second. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
Financial Reports:
Tina Hubert motion. Rachel Fuller second. Motion carried.
FOIA Update:
Public Comment:
Leslie Bednar reported, Illinois Representative Katie Stuart from the 112th District attended a Chamber of Commerce meet and greet at Glen Carbon Centennial Library. Two staff members represented IHLS introducing IHLS and the services we provide. The Fairmont City Library Center is 2017 recipient of Library Aware Community Award. We are encouraging members to focus on Federal library funding by promoting the ALA Dear Appropriator letter campaign. The campaign is library champions in the house asking their peers to reach out to members of the Appropriations Committee to support two measures: LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) funding at the full level and Innovative Approaches to Literacy or IAL, a grant program administered by the US Dept. of Education and authorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The deadline for House members to sign on is April 3. March 31 marks Steve Johnson’s last day with IHLS after 37 years of service to Illinois libraries through library systems. We wish Steve all success in his next adventure! It is with heavy heart that we announce the passing of James (Jim) Fenton. Our colleague and long-time library supporter passed away last evening. As soon as service details are available we will share those with the board list.
Staff Report:
Sara Zumwalt motion to go into closed session. Clyde Hall second. Motion carried. Board entered closed session at 5:17 p.m. Bev Obert moved to return to open session. Geoff Bant second. Returned to open session at 5:50 p.m. Recitation of closed session: Sara Zumwalt motion to terminate employee listed on Staff Update Mr. Saffel. Gary Denue second. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
Staff Update
Bev Obert motion. John Phillips second. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
Secondary Employment Sara Zumwalt motion. Clyde Hall second. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote
Illinois State Library Report:
Greg McCormick reported the FY2017 and FY2018 budgets have no state resolution. The Illinois State Library is setting FY2018 System Area and Per Capita grant applications with a due date of June 1, 2017 and to be based on FY2015 funding level. The Federal budget proposal with its possible elimination of the Institute of Museum and Library Services, will impact Illinois via system delivery (via LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) grants) and Talking Books. May 16, 17, and 18 has been blocked off for potential dates to start the unserved discussion. Meeting via VTEL or in person in Springfield. Legal counsel and program staff may join for the results and review.
Committee Reports:
Sandy West reported a routine meeting.
Budget and Finance
Tina Hubert reported a routine meeting. Reviewed revised IHLS Financial Policy, Financial Procedures and Practices and Investment of Public Funds. Changes were made to the documents and approved to move to the Executive committee in April.
Membership & Policy
Rachel Fuller reported the committee did not meet.
Facilities & Operations
Sara Zumwalt reported Charlene Topel chaired the meeting in Sarah Isaacs’ absence. Routing building updates were discussed in addition to a review of the surplus property list. The list was approved to be sent to the board.
Geoff Bant reported the committee approved changes to the Personnel handbook. Next meeting April 6.
Nominating Committee
Leslie Bednar reported voting now open for 5 board positions, and poll remains open through April 15.
Board Citation Review:
Sara Zumwalt presented an overview of the Public Officer Prohibited Activities Act (50 ILCS 105).
Unfinished Business:
Leslie Bednar shared we are waiting for the third party insurance carrier to approve the roof for the warranty. Next month we will present the project final cost.
Every Student Succeeds Act
Nothing new to report
RAILS Draft Membership Standards
Nothing new to report
New Business:
Proposed Revision Personnel Code – Section VII. Travel
Geoff Bant stated the proposed changes reflect the Illinois Local Government Travel Expense Control Act (50 ILCS 150). Debbie Owen motion. Bev Obert second. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
IHLS Goals and Strategies for Advocacy
Sandy West shared the goals and strategies from Advocacy committee.
Proposed FY2018 Federal Budget
American Library Association’s National Legislation activities in Washington D.C. are early May. As part of our advocacy project this year we are including presentations and tools at Member Day April 18 including advocacy training with a focus on LSTA funding.
Recognition of Rachel Fuller—School Library Representative and IHLS Board Secretary
Sandy West recognized two members retiring from the board at this meeting. Rachel Full (School Library Representative and IHLS Board Secretary) for three years of service and Mary Barteau (School Library Representative) for two years of service on the Illinois Heartland Library System board. Sandy recommends Sara Zumwalt as board secretary to replace Rachel Fuller. Tina Hubert motion. Bev Obert second. Motion carried.
Agenda Building:
April will include the Americans with Disabilities Act citation review. Remove ESSA as a placeholder on the agenda.
Public Comment:
Reminder to fill out Statement of Economic Interest forms and use L2 to register for meetings. Reaching Forward South is April 7. Member day is April 18. Next Members Matter is May 2 at Olney Public Library. Sandy West will present the citation review in May that Mary Barteau was scheduled to present.
Mary Beil motion. Sara Zumwalt second. Motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. Adjourned at 6:53 p.m.