Jackson County Executive Committee met March 9.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Call to Order
Members Present: Erbes, J.S. Rendleman, Larkin, Peterson and Rowe Members Absent: Endres and Hunter
Also Pre sent: Tamiko Mueller, Susie Ki lquist, Josh Barringer, Mi chelle Tweedy
Approval of Minutes
I. 17-2213 February 2, 2017 Minutes
A motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Peterson, to approve the February 2, 2017 minutes with the addition of the statement "Presided over by Orval Rowe". The motion carried by unanimous vote. Chairman's Remarks
Internal Office Matters II. 17-2214 Board Supervised Staff Evaluations
Rendleman informed the committee that the self-evaluations are completed and the evaluations requested from those who work with staff are completed. The plan is to do board supervised staff evaluation on Monday and Tuesday, March 13 & 14. The evaluations should be ready for board approval at the April meeting.
III. 17-2215 Board Staffing-Graduate Assistant
The committee discussed hiring a graduate assistant (GA) for the County Board office. Rendleman began discussion by stating that there are concerns about having a GA be involved with the Insurance Plan Administration due to HIPPA regulations. Rendleman then stated that he is looking for input on what the essential functions of a GA should be. He went on to say that currently the board office has several management personnel but no support staff. At a basic level what the board office needs is someone who can answer phones, file and handle walk in constituent questions. Concerns were raised about the time needed to train someone, whether the board should hire a full time person instead of a GA, if the idea is to fill a gap, the turn over of GA's, and what the long term office structure plan should be. Rowe asked Tweedy if she would have time to train a new person in the office and she indicated that with the numerous items that have to be dealt with right now she currently does not have the time. Tweedy went on to say that the assistance of Dottie Miles with the insurance piece is more of a help than anything else. Rendleman stated that something needs to be done because current office staff is handling all that they can right now and that perhaps there will be more time for training in the later months. The committee coordinator reminded the committee that a GA would not start until the end of May or beginning of June. Peterson stated that if the board is looking for someone to answer phones and file then perhaps the GA could start mostly under the committee coordinator as a sort of job shadowing then it shouldn't be to bad and they could leave the Insurance plan work until later. Erbes rei terated that it is difficult to find good people and that training is an issue that needs to be considered. He went on to say that the committee coordinator would be handling a lot of the GA's questions since they both sit in the outer office so he asked the committee coordinator what her thoughts were. She responded by saying she agreed with Peterson if the board is looking for someone to answer phones, file, and other duties as assigned then a GA is capable of that. The committee coordinator suggested that if she is trained on the Insurance program it could help alleviate some of the work from the Accounting Coordinator. Mueller stated that GA's are fairly intelligent and pick up on things pretty quickly and the job shadowing will help with training as well. Also, perhaps the board office could create a standard operating procedure binder to help with training in the future. Discussion ended with a consensus to move forward with a GA position and that everyone would look at the essential functions list and discuss this at the April meeting.
IV. 17-2219 Staff Structure
Rendleman stated that the board needs to figure out who's in charge of whom. He mentioned that in the past there was a flow chart for the board; Rowe and Peterson both said they would try to locate the document. This will be on the April agenda.
V. 17-2216 Board Orientation Follow-up
Peterson began discussion by stating that it seems like the orientation needed to be over two days because every presenter had more information than time. The committee agreed and there was a brief discussion about planning in the future. Rendleman once again thanked everyone who presented and board staff for putting on a good orientation.
Human Resources Subcommittee Update The committee coordinator updated the committee on the meeting between S. Bost and Huffman on Monday. The hope is to have a final draft relatively soon.
VI. 17-2217 Building Commission Planning
Rendleman informed the committee that a few decisions had to be made with regard to the organization of the building commission; the number of members and the use of Board staff until the commission has funds of their own. He then went on to say that if anyone is interested they should contact him to discuss it. A motion was made by Rowe, seconded by Erbes, to approve the Resolution to Establish the Composition of the Jackson County Public Building Commission. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
VII. 17-2220 Illinois Bicenntenial Committee
The committee reviewed the included letter. The consensus of the committee is that Erbes would be a good representative; he stated that he is willing to serve. A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Rowe, to approve the nomination of Andrew Erbes to the IL Bicentennial Committee. The motion carried by the following vote: Yes: 4 - J.S. Rendleman, Larkin, Peterson and Rowe Absent: 2 - Endres and Hunter Abstain: 1 - Erbes
VIII. 17-2218 Open Appointments-March 2017
1. Jackson County Board of Health 2. Cable TV Commission 3. Crosswalk Community Action Agency 4. Lakeside Water District 5. Southernmost Tourism Bureau The committee discussed the open appointments and applications. A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Peterson, to approve the nomination of Maple to the Crosswalk Community Action Agency. The motion carried by unanimous vote. A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Rowe, to approve the nomination of Snyder to the Lakeside Water District. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Old Business
Muel ler s tated that s he s hould have an application for the William "Bill" Alstat Award by Ma rch 15th a nd the plan is to prese nt the award at the June board meeting. This item will be on the April agenda.
New Business Mueller requested that the board consider allowing board members to participate at meetings via conference call. Barringer was asked if this would be possible and he indicated that calls are possible but the county is currently not equiped to do video participation. The committee coordinator was asked to look into the regulations required to allow participation via conference call a nd have it ready a t the April meeting.
Executive Session
IX. 17-2221 Executive Session under 2(c)(1) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act to discuss personnel
This was not needed at this time.
Adjourn (5:46 PM) Larkin moved and Erbes seconded to adjourn, motion carried.