
Carbondale Reporter

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Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 Board authorizes special assignments for 2016-17 school year

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Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 Board of Education met Tuesday, Nov. 15.

The Carbondale School District No. 95 School Board consists of seven members elected to serve four-year terms. There are four schools in the district: Parrish School, Thomas School, Lewis School and Carbondale Middle School.

Here are the minutes as provided by Carbondale ESD No. 95:

Agenda Item 5.11 Bd. Mtg. 12/15/16


A regular meeting of the Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 was held on Tuesday, November 15, 2016, 6:00 PM at CES95 Administrative Center, 925 South Giant City Road, Carbondale, IL 62902.

1. Roll Call:

Upon roll call, the following members were present: Mr. John Major, President Mrs. Erinn Murphy, Secretary Ms. Michelle Connet Mr. Robert Gallegly

Administrators present: Mr. Michael Shimshak, Superintendent Mr. Justin M. Miller, Assistant Superintendent Mrs. Colleen Doyle-Parrott, Director of Curriculum/Instruction & Assessments Ms. Zeppelyn Brewer, Director of Pupil Services



Roll Call: Mr. John Major, President Mr. Roger Pfister, Vice President (arrived at 6:28 PM) Mrs. Erinn Murphy, Secretary Mr. David Biggs (arrived at 6:14 PM) Ms. Michelle Connet Mr. Robert Gallegly

Gallegly moved, seconded by Connet, to enter Executive Session at 6:06 PM for the purpose of discussing performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel matters, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation.

Roll Call Vote: Yes votes: Major, Pfister, Murphy, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly No votes: None Motion carried.

Gallegly moved, seconded by Biggs, to adjourn Executive Session at 7:15 PM.

Roll Call Vote: Yes votes: Major, Pfister, Murphy, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly No: None Motion carried.


3. Public Comments – John Major

Cindy Clark, Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee Member, commented on the following: 1. Presented concerns members of the Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee have to the Board about the Two-Way Immersion program. 2. Concerns include miscommunication about the program, the district’s inability to retain high-qualified TWI teachers, and problems with combining the 4th and 5th grade TWI classrooms. 3. Stated parents are interested in seeing changes in the TWI classrooms and being involved. 4. Concerned that TWI teacher positions aren’t being posted on job boards outside of the district’s own website. 5. Concerned about lack of support for teachers and English language learners involved in the program. 6. Members of BPAC have compiled a list of questions and other concerns that will be shared at a meeting that has been scheduled with the Curriculum Director on Monday. 7. Enjoyed the discussions that took place at the October 26, 2016 Family & Community Town Hall Supper. Recognized the participants who spoke about their perspectives on the TWI program. 8. Stated she removed her child from the TWI program due to the ongoing concerns. 9. Discussed another instance of a student becoming upset due to the stress caused by the “upheaval” and “chaos” surrounding the program. 10. Explained that the students are the ones who are being hurt and the ones who need the District’s help the most.

Mr. Major inquired about the details of the scheduled BPAC meeting. 1. Mrs. Doyle-Parrott replied that the time of the meeting on Monday at 6 PM.

The meeting has been posted to the BPAC Facebook group. It will be advertised and there will be an all-call announcement made. 2. Mr. Major stated he hopes Ms. Clark will get her questions answered at the meeting.

• Mr. Gallegly made the suggestion that the all-call announcement about the upcoming BPAC meeting be multilingual.

4. Approval of Agenda

Pfister moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend Approving the Agenda

Roll Call: Yes votes: Murphy, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister No votes: None Motion carried.


5. Consent Agenda Items

5.1 Pfister moved, seconded by Biggs, Recommend approving the October 27, 2016 minutes as is with the understanding there will be an audio recording of the meetings posted, and that the written minutes will be posted in general format per policy.

5.11 Regular – October 27, 2016

5.12 Executive – October 27, 2016

Roll Call Vote: Yes votes: Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister, Murphy No votes: None Motion carried.

Pfister moved, seconded by Biggs, to approve the following Consent Agenda Items:


5.2 Financial Reports

5.21 Approval of Bills

5.22 Treasurer’s Report

5.23 Monthly Budget Report

5.24 Schools Activity Fund Reports



5.3 Communications

5.31 School Board Members Day, November 15, 2016

5.32 IASB Joint Annual Conference, November 18-20, 2016 in Chicago

5.33 In-Kind donation of washer and dryer set for Parrish Elementary School.

Roll Call Vote: Yes votes: Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister, Murphy No votes: None Motion carried.

6. Committee Reports COMMITTEE REPORTS

6.1 President’s Remarks – John Major

Board members will attend the 2016 IASB Joint Annual Conference in Chicago, November 18-20, 2016

The District will have a presentation at the conference on the restorative practices program


6.2 Committee Reports – NONE

6.3 Administrative/Staff Reports


6.31 Assistant Superintendent’s Report – Justin M. Miller

Mr. Miller reported the following:

King Financial Services has invited the Board to attend a special dinner that will take place on Friday during the conference. Mr. Miller requests that Board members RSVP as soon as possible to report an accurate number of attendees.

Finance Committee Meeting will be held before the December 15, 2016 Board Meeting to discuss the 2016 Tax Levy and options.

Requests that a Transportation Committee Meeting be held to discuss bid documents for transportation services before the Winter school break.

Thanked Ms. Burke from JRJ Rentals for the donation of a washer and dryer set to Parrish Elementary School.

Solar panels at Carbondale Middle School have been installed and are currently working. 648 panels were installed. A phone app is available to track usage.

Thanked Mr. Biggs for his work on the solar panel project.

The sales tax that recently passed won’t be in effect until 2017. This will also be a topic at the next Finance Committee meeting.

6.32 Director of Curriculum/Instruction & Assessments – Colleen Doyle-Parrott

Mrs. Doyle-Parrott reported the following:

Introduced Principal Kristine Uffelman to give a report about Lewis School. Principal Uffelman introduced Betsy Brown, Academic Talent Teacher, to share updates about the Lewis School Victory Garden.

1. Mrs. Brown shared pictures of the school Victory garden.

2. Students harvested enough corn to feed over 150 people. The corn was planted in August and harvested this November.

3. Other produce planted by the students included turnips, beans, and squash.

4. The students hosted a Victory dinner including some the produce harvested from the garden and food they prepared themselves. Parents, students, teachers, community members, and Board members attended. 5. This is Mrs. Brown last year at Lewis School. Mr. Shimshak plans to continue the program.

The second district Title I meeting took place on Monday, November 14, 2016.

Student representatives will be asked in the future to participate.

The committee is working on developing a comprehensive needs assessment. There are 6 different subcommittees that will contribute to providing updates

Thanked the Board for allowing herself, Amy Tyner, Laura Silva, and Michelle Martin for the opportunity to present and attend at a recent bilingual education conference about the district’s ELL and TWI programs.

6.33 Director of Pupil Services – Zeppelyn Brewer

Ms. Brewer reported the following:

Ms. Brewer spent time at each of the schools getting to know staff and students.

Thanked Mrs. Jerrah Henson for her assistance during the transition.

Ms. Brewer will begin working full-time next week.

6.34 Superintendent’s Report – Michael Shimshak

Mr. Shimshak reported the following:

Mr. Shimshak read a resolution that recognized November 15, 2016 as School Board Members Day.

Thanked the Board members for their time, dedication, and support.


6.35 Enrollment Report

Packet was made available to the public and the Board.

7. Old Business OLD BUSINESS

7.1 Second Reading and Adoption of IASB new and updated Policies

Pfister moved, seconded by Gallegly, Recommend adopting the following IASB new and updated policies:

8.110 Public Suggestions and Comments – to leave as is

Voice Vote: Yes votes: Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister, Murphy, Benyas No votes: None Motion carried.

8. New Business NEW BUSINESS

8.1 Action on Classified Personnel

8.11 Action on Classified Substitutes – NONE

8.2 Action on Certified Personnel

8.21 Action on Special Assignments

Gallegly moved, seconded by Biggs, Recommend the employment of the following Special Assignments for the 2016-2017 school year:

Lewis Elementary School Art Club Sponsor – Juana Duran Charicata

Carbondale Middle School Encore Team Leader – Haley Karayiannis English Language Arts Team Leader – Tari Moorman Math Team Leader – Heather Melton Special Education Team Leader – Kelly Laxgang Social Studies Team Leader – Janice Heninger Counseling Team Leader – Leah Hooper

Roll Call Vote: Yes votes: Gallegly, Pfister, Biggs, Connet No votes: Major Abstained: Murphy Motion carried.

8.22 Action on Appointment of Parrish School Principal Biggs moved, seconded by Pfister, Recommend approval to appoint Jerrah Henson as the Principal of Parrish Elementary School.

Roll Call Vote: Yes votes: Major, Pfister, Murphy, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly No votes: None Motion carried.

8.3 Action on Levy Resolution

Pfister moved, seconded by Biggs, Recommend approval of the Resolution to file a Tax Levy for the 2016 tax year for less than 5% of the prior year’s tax extension.

Roll Call Vote: Yes votes: Pfister, Murphy, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major No votes: None Motion carried.

8.4 Action on In-Kind Donation

Biggs moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend tabling action.


Voice Vote: Yes votes: Murphy, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister No votes: None Motion tabled.

8.5 Action on Review of Student Discipline

Gallegly moved, seconded by Biggs, Recommend tabling action.


Voice Vote: Yes votes: Pfister, Murphy, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major No votes: None Motion carried.

9. Next Scheduled Meetings

9.1 Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Public Relations Committee Meeting CES95 Administrative Center 925 South Giant City Road Carbondale, IL 62902 4:00 PM Thursday, December 8, 2016 Policy Committee Meeting CES95 Administrative Center 925 South Giant City Road Carbondale, IL 62902 5:00 PM

*Thursday, December 15, 2016 Regular Board Meeting (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) CES95 Administrative Center 925 South Giant City Road

Carbondale, IL 62902 6:00 PM 6:05 PM Motion and Roll Call Vote to go into Executive Session (CLOSED) for the purpose of discussing matters relating to the performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collecting bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation. 7:00 PM Public Hearing on FY17 Tax Levy 7:15 PM Reconvene Regular Board Meeting Public Session (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)


10. Public Comments – NONE

11. Adjournment

Pfister moved, seconded by Connet, to adjourn at 8:17 PM.

Voice Vote: Yes votes: Major, Pfister, Murphy, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly No votes: None Motion carried.

Mr. John Major, President

Mrs. Erinn Murphy, Secretary