
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Carbondale Zoning Board of Appeals considers variance


The Carbondale Zoning Board of Appeals met May 25 to consider a variance for the property at 200 W. Elm St. | File photo

The Carbondale Zoning Board of Appeals met May 25 to consider a variance for the property at 200 W. Elm St. | File photo

The Carbondale Zoning Board of Appeals met May 25 to consider a variance for the property at 200 W. Elm St.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the city:

MINUTES Carbondale Zoning Board of Appeals Wednesday, May 25, 2016 Room 108, 6:00 p.m. 200 South Illinois Avenue MEMBERS PRESENT: LeBeau, Sheffer, Lilly, Litecky, Love MEMBERS ABSENT: Barke, Anz, Field STAFF PRESENT: Taylor 1. Call to Order and Roll Call Roll call was completed and the determination of a quorum was made. 2. Approval of Minutes: Mr. Love moved, seconded by Ms. Litecky, to approve the minutes of January 13, 2016. The motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote. 3. Citizen Comments or Questions: None 4. Hearing: ZBA 17-01 – Sai Krishna, LLC, is requesting a variance from Sections 15-4.1.4.B.2, 15-2.23.10, and 15-2.23.6 of the Carbondale Revised Code. Section 15-4.1.4.B.2 establishes the location and minimum size of landscaped islands within parking lots; Section 15-2.23.10 requires a ten foot buffer yard between parking lots and adjacent arterial streets; and Section 15-2.23.6 establishes a maximum front yard setback for buildings in the BPR, Primary Business, District. This request is being made for property located at 200 West Elm Street. Mr. LeBeau opened the Public Hearing at 6:10 p.m. and asked Mr. Taylor to read the Legal Notice. Mr. Taylor, Senior Planner for the City of Carbondale, read the Legal Notice. Mr. LeBeau asked Mr. Taylor to present the staff report. 2 Mr. Taylor was sworn in and presented the staff report for ZBA 17-01. Mr. LeBeau asked if there were any questions for staff. There were none Mr. LeBeau asked if the applicant was present and would like to step forward and present their case. Dr. Pradeep Reddy of Sai Krishna, LLC, came forward and stated that the variances requested are due to the corporate requirements for a Hilton hotel. Dr. Reddy requested that the Zoning Board of Appeals approve the variances. Mr. LeBeau asked if there were any questions for the applicant. There were none Mr. LeBeau asked if there was anyone in support. There were none Mr. LeBeau asked Mr. Taylor to read the conclusion of the staff report. Mr. Taylor read the conclusion of the staff report with recommendation that the Zoning Board of Appeals approve ZBA 17-01 with staff’s recommended condition. Mr. LeBeau asked if there were any questions the Board had for staff. There were none. Mr. LeBeau asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition. There were none Mr. LeBeau asked if there were any questions from anyone to anyone. Dr. Reddy inquired if there were any certain restrictions regarding the types of trees which must be planted within the buffer yard. Mr. Taylor stated that the trees planted within the buffer may be shade or ornamental as long as they are chosen from the lists provided in the Carbondale Revised Code and meet the minimum size requirements. 3 Ms. Litecky clarified that there are also trees specified within the Downtown Master Plan that are preferred for the downtown area. Mr. Lebeau asked Dr. Reddy if he wished to give any further information with a closing statement. Dr. Reddy indicated that no further discussion was needed. Chris Wallace, Development Services Director, came forward to further clarify Staff’s roll in working with the developer on these variances. Mr. Wallace stated that the unique elevation changes and the requirements from Hilton made the variances the best solution. Mr. Wallace continued by stating that the elevation of the lot coupled with the front yard setback requirement would require a large retaining wall on South Illinois Avenue. Furthermore, the parking lot requirements were never intended for the downtown district and therefore are making them difficult to properly adhere to in that area. Mr. Wallace said that staff and the engineers have met numerous times and went through several revisions which have resulted in this balance. Mr. LeBeau asked if there were any further statements from anyone. Hearing none, Mr. LeBeau declared Public Hearing 17-01 closed at 6:36 p.m. Mr. Sheffer moved, seconded by Ms. Lilly, that the City has jurisdiction over this case. The motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote. Mr. Love moved, seconded by Mr. Sheffer, that the applicant has standing to bring the case to the Board. The motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote. Mr. Love moved, seconded by Ms. Litecky, of the finding of facts, that the applicant was present to speak in support of the application and no one spoke in opposition. The motion was approved by a unanimous voice vote. Mr. Love moved, seconded by Mr. Sheffer, to vote on criteria as one. Roll Call Vote Yes – 5 (LeBeau, Sheffer, Litecky, Lilly, Love) No – 0 Mr. Love moved, seconded by Ms. Lilly, that the applicant has met all 5 criteria. 4 Roll Call Vote Yes – 5 (LeBeau, Sheffer, Litecky, Lilly, Love) No – 0 Ms. Litecky moved, seconded Mr. Love, to approve ZBA 17-01, with the condition that the areas between the parking lot and the sidewalks along South Illinois and South University Avenues serve as a buffer yard and maintain trees every fifteen feet (15’). The trees will be placed on private property along South Illinois Avenue and on right-of-way along South University Avenue. Roll Call Vote: Yes – 5 (LeBeau, Sheffer, Litecky, Lilly, Love) No – 0 Mr. Taylor thanked Dr. Reddy, for his application and stated that he would receive written notification of the Board decision within 10 days. 5. Old Business: None 6. New Business: None 7. Adjournment: Mr. LeBeau adjourned the meeting at 6:42 p.