
Carbondale Reporter

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Carbondale Planning Commission present staff reports

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The Carbondale Planning Commission met Sept. 28 to present staff reports.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the commission:


Dr. LeBeau called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Members Present: LeBeau, Sheffer, Hamilton, Burnside, Litecky, and Bradshaw (ex-officio)

Members Absent: Field, Love and Lilly

Staff Present: Taylor


1. Approval of Minutes:

Ms. Litecky moved, seconded by Dr. Hamilton, to approve the minutes for September 7,


The motion to approve the minutes passed with a unanimous voice vote.

2. Citizen Comments or Questions

There were none

3. Report of Officers, Committees, Communications

There were none

4. Public Hearings

PC 17-05, 6:02p.m.: The Carbondale Chamber of Commerce is requesting a text

amendment relative to allowing wind-propelled and motorized signage.

Dr. LeBeau declared Public Hearing PC 17-05 open and asked Mr. Taylor to read the

legal notice.

Mr. Taylor read the legal notice.

Dr. LeBeau asked Mr. Taylor to present the staff report.

Mr. Taylor, Senior Planner for the City of Carbondale, was sworn in and read part A of


Carbondale Planning Commission

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Room 108, 6:00 p.m.

City Hall/Civic Center


the staff report.

Dr. LeBeau asked if there were any questions of staff.

There were no questions.

Dr. LeBeau asked if the applicant was present.

Mr. Les O’Dell, Executive Director of the Carbondale Chamber of Commerce stepped

forward to state why they were asking for a change in the Carbondale Revised Code. Mr.

O’Dell spoke on why the change would help local businesses in the Carbondale

community. Mr. O’Dell stated that he had many letters of support from business leaders

in Carbondale, he then presented the letters to the Commission.

Dr. LeBeau asked if there were any other questions for the applicant.

Ms. Litecky stated that with the wording of the request, the applicant is asking for more

than just certain times of the year by asking for every weekend.

Mr. O’Dell stated that most businesses would like to be able to use the different types of

signage whenever they wished, but with the Carbondale code being so restrictive the

businesses are hoping for just a little flexibility.

Ms. Litecky pointed out that the Chamber had asked for a texted amendment change a

few years ago for signage restrictions. Mr. O’Dell stated that the Chamber had asked for

time limit increase for signage at that time. Ms. Litecky then asked Mr. Taylor for

clarification of how many signs can be located at one business. Mr. Taylor explained the

amount of signs allowed and the time restrictions on certain signs.

Dr. Burnside then questioned Mr. O’Dell if there had been any surveys or studies done to

show if the signage would actually increase the amount of sales at these businesses. Mr.

O’Dell stated that he was unsure of any studies but he said that possibly one of the

business owners in attendance might be able to answer that question. Dr. Burnside then

stated that it was different, as far as traffic issues that might be caused, for these types of

signs to be set up at a car dealership as opposed to a business on the strip, like Fat Patties.

Dr. Burnside’s concerns were the distractions that might be caused and if there was a way

to monitor the spaces where the signs would be allowed. Mr. O’Dell stated that the

Chamber was offering this amendment as a beginning point and that the Planning

Commission and City Planners could figure out what restrictions might need to be placed.

Dr. Hamilton questioned Mr. O’Dell about the other communities that he is referencing

that use these types of signage and what has been their success and what has been the

impact of the signage in those areas. Mr. O’Dell stated that he do not have specifics as to


the impacts the signs have in those communities, just that the nearby cities didn’t have as

many restrictions as Carbondale.

Dr. LeBeau then asked Mr. O’Dell if anyone had spoken to Southern Illinois University

to see what they thought about these types of signs being used during fall semester move

in. Mr. O’Dell stated that they had not spoken to SIU, but he spoke about the good

partnership with SIU and the college wanting local businesses to do well.

Ms. Litecky asked Mr. O’Dell if there had been any type of national survey done in

relation to these types of signs being used. Mr. O’Dell stated that he was unaware of any


Dr. Hamilton questioned the aesthetics of what these signs might do to different areas of

businesses in our community and if the possibility of using smaller, inviting signage

might be better. Mr. O’Dell stated that the bigger business that are located along busier

roadways or those businesses located in strip malls that are not as easily seen, would be

the ones that would benefit from these types of bigger signage. Dr. Hamilton questioned

Mr. O’Dell on what areas of the city they’re focusing on using these types of signage.

Mr. O’Dell stated that he wants all of his member businesses to be able to use these types

of signs if they wanted, regardless of geography.

Dr. LeBeau asked if there were any other questions from the Commissioners.

Dr. Burnside questioned Mr. O’Dell about if there was a proposed size for these types of

signs. Mr. O’Dell stated that they were not putting a restriction on size and that would be

something for City staff to place any types of restrictions on.

Dr. LeBeau asked if anyone wished to speak in favor.

Brad Weiss, owner of the Furnature King, came forward to speak in favor. Mr. Weiss

stated that he could answer some of the Commission’s questions. Mr. Weiss spoke about

the Commission’s concerns with these types of signs being used in downtown locations

and that those are not the main businesses wanting to use these types of signs because of

the spacing allowed at these locations. Most of the businesses that want these signs are

bigger locations, such as car dealerships and his furniture store. Mr. Weiss went on to

speak about sales and competing with other local cities for business.

Ms. Litecky stated that she disagrees with the signage because it might not be

aesthetically pleasing for people coming into town. Ms. Litecky stated that it’s not just

signage concerns that cause these issues, but also the lack of vegetation in certain

locations on main roadways coming into Carbondale. There was also discussion between

Ms. Litecky and Mr. Weiss about if the signage at these places, such as car dealership

draws in business or if it’s more of a distraction for drivers. Ms. Litecky also voiced

concerns about wanting to use these types of signage every weekend. There was more


discussion about the spacing involved for certain businesses to have these types of signs.

Dr. Burnside questioned Mr. Weiss if the Planning Commission revised the amendment

with regards to space required to utilized these types of signs would Carbondale

businesses be opposed to it. Mr. Weiss answered that they would not be opposed to some

restrictions. Ms. Litecky asked about a restriction being placed for these types of signs

being used on move-in weekends. Mr. Weiss felt like that would not do anything to help

the businesses and would like the opportunity to put the signs up on weekends as well.

There was then discussion again between Ms. Litecky and Mr. Weiss about the signs

actually helping bring in customers to businesses.

Mr. Sheffer then spoke about his connection to business in Carbondale and what his

feelings were from a business stand point. Mr. Sheffer spoke about getting more revenue

for the businesses to help the City. Mr. Sheffer felt that the Commission needs to be more

pro-business and that the businesses having these types of signs help to pull in customers.

Dr. LeBeau asked if anyone else wished to speak in favor.

Mr. John Nimmo stepped forward to speak about the businesses within Carbondale and

the business climate that is taking place within the City. Mr. Nimmo spoke about how

working together with these businesses will help Carbondale grow and would help our

community to see positive growth.

Dr. LeBeau asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition.

There was no one.

Dr. LeBeau asked Mr. Taylor to read the analysis.

Mr. Taylor read Parts B and C of the staff report with a recommendation to deny

PC 17-05.

Dr. LeBeau asked for questions for staff.

Dr. Burnside questioned staff if there was any research done in the areas that had these

types of signs and if the accident rates were higher in those locations. Mr. Taylor stated

that in the research done by City Planning there was no evidence found that would show

higher traffic accidents. Dr. Burnside also questioned the staff on the options of placing

restrictions on these types of signs. Mr. Taylor stated that there have been discussions

about placing limitations, if the Planning Commission decides to allow signage.

There was then discussion between Mr. Taylor and Dr. Burnside of putting a committee

in place to figure out what types of restrictions and limitations would be appropriate for

these types of signage.

Dr. Hamilton discussed the vacancy in the businesses within Carbondale and placing a

sunset on this type of amendment to see if it would actually work within the community.

There was then discussion between Ms. Litecky and Dr. Burnside if placing this under a


sunset would be a good idea for the businesses.

Mr. Sheffer then spoke about growing the community and for the Commission to be

proactive within the community. Mr. Sheffer stated that he would really like to put

together a committee to handle this amendment properly. Mr. Sheffer stated that he wants

to make sure that there is a level playing field within Carbondale businesses.

Dr. LeBeau asked if there were questions from anyone to anyone.

There were none.

Dr. LeBeau declared PC 17-05 closed and there was a discussion on how to set up a

committee to work with the business community on signage.

Mr. Sheffer moved to send PC 17-05 to committee for further consideration, seconded by

Dr. Burnside.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes - 5 (LeBeau, Sheffer, Hamilton, Burnside, Litecky)

No – 0

Mr. Taylor stated that the motion passed and asked for volunteers for the committee, Mr.

Sheffer, Ms. Litecky, Dr. LeBeau and Dr. Burnside all volunteered to serve on the

committee. Mr. Taylor stated that he would discuss with the applicant and find a date that

worked for everyone to meet.

PC 17-06, 7:01p.m.: Srinivas Gundala is requesting a Special Use Permit for a

rehabilitation center in an R-3, High-Density Residential, zoning district for the property

located at 500 South Lewis Lane.

Dr. LeBeau declared Public Hearing PC 17-06 open and asked Mr. Taylor to read the

legal notice.

Mr. Taylor read the legal notice.

Dr. LeBeau asked Mr. Taylor to present the staff report.

Mr. Taylor, Senior Planner for the City of Carbondale, was sworn in and read parts A and

B of the staff report.

Dr. LeBeau asked if there were any questions of staff.

Ms. Litecky asked if there has to be certification from the state of Illinois. Mr. Taylor

stated that it does have to be a licensed facility per code.

Dr. LeBeau asked if the applicant was present.


Michael Blisko, of 500 S. Lewis Lane, came forward to speak about the facility for the

special use permit.

Ms. Litecky questioned Mr. Blisko about the business licensing process with the state.

Mr. Blisko stated that the special use permit was the first step in the process because the

facility cannot receive licensing until the zoning issue is resolved. Ms. Litecky asked Mr.

Blisko of his role in the facility. Mr. Blisko stated that he is just one of the owners of the

actual building and would not be the one running the facility.

Dr. Hamilton questioned Mr. Blisko about what other types of facilities he operates. Mr.

Blisko stated that most of his other businesses are different than this request and that is

why he would have a third party running this facility if the zoning is granted.

Dr. Burnside asked the applicant if they already have someone in mind to run the facility

or if they were just trying to get past this step first. Mr. Blisko stated that he has had

meetings with potential businesses to run the facility but until the zoning is granted they

cannot move forward.

Dr. LeBeau asked if there were any more questions for the applicant.

There were none.

Dr. LeBeau asked if anyone wished to speak in favor.

John Lewis came forward to speak in favor of the special use permit.

Dr. LeBeau asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition.

There was no one.

Dr. LeBeau asked Mr. Taylor to read the analysis.

Mr. Taylor read Part C of the staff report with a recommendation to approve

PC 17-06.

Dr. Hamilton asked Mr. Taylor if there were any issues at the previous facility that was

located at that address. Mr. Taylor stated that he was unaware of any issues.

Dr. LeBeau declared PC 17-06 closed and asked for a motion on the findings of fact.

Mr. Sheffer moved, seconded by Ms. Litecky, that the Commission accept as findings of

fact Parts A and B of the staff report for PC 17-06, two people spoke in favor and no one

spoke in opposition.

The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.

Dr. LeBeau asked for a motion on whether the 7 criteria should be taken as one or



Mr. Sheffer moved to vote on the seven criteria as one, seconded by Ms. Litecky.

The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.

Dr. LeBeau asked for a motion to vote on if criteria have been met.

Mr. Sheffer moved that the seven criteria had been met for PC 17-06, seconded by Ms.


Roll Call Vote:

Yes - 5 (LeBeau, Sheffer, Hamilton, Burnside, Litecky)

No – 0

Ms. Litecky moved to approve PC 17-06, seconded by Dr. LeBeau.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes - 5 (LeBeau, Sheffer, Hamilton, Burnside, Litecky)

No – 0

Mr. Taylor stated that the motion passed and that this matter will be on the City Council

agenda at their meeting on October 11, 2016.

5. Old Business

There were none

6. New Business

A. City of Carbondale approved tree list. Mr. Taylor explained that the current tree

list is causing too many issues and is asking for a text amendment to revise the list.

Dr. Hamilton asked if some trees would be taken off the current list and if new ones

would be added. Mr. Taylor stated that they would work with the City’s Arborist and

actually be adding more trees to the list and adding information about trees currently

on the list.

Ms. Litecky motioned to initiate a text amendment to revise the approved tree list, Dr.

LeBeau seconded.

The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.

B. City Council Agenda from September 20, 2016.

Ms. Bradshaw reviewed the City Council meeting as it related to Planning.


7. Adjournment

Dr. LeBeau adjourned the meeting at 7:34 p.m.