
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Jackson County Zoning Exploration Subcommittee hears citizen survey results.


The Jackson County Zoning Exploration Subcommittee met Oct. 5 to learn about the Citizen Zoning Survey and the responses that have been received so far. | File photo

The Jackson County Zoning Exploration Subcommittee met Oct. 5 to learn about the Citizen Zoning Survey and the responses that have been received so far. | File photo

The Jackson County Zoning Exploration Subcommittee met Oct. 5 to learn about the Citizen Zoning Survey and the responses that have been received so far.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the county:





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Call to Order (4:05 PM)

Members Present: Chapman and Erbes

Members Absent: Peterson

Also Present: Gary Shafer

I. 16-1758 Presentation by Gary Shafer-SI Airport

Chapman gave a brief overview of what the Zoning Exploration Subcommittee has been doing

and what their approach to this issue has been. Shafer thanked the subcommittee for inviting

him to come talk with them. He then handed out a map showing the Road Development Plan

for the Airport and one showing the Land Development Plan for the Airport. Shafer began with

a bit of history of the Airport, it was developed in 1945. At that time there were only farms

around the Airport. Shafer sees zoning as a way to protect people and business from

incompatible development. Without zoning homeowners can move near the Airport or other

businesses and this can lead to noise complaints and other issues. Land Use zoning can keep

unwelcome development from causing issues. Currently the Airport has Hazard Zoning through

the State of Illinois. This is zoning that controls the height of new development withi n a three

to five mile radius of the Airport. This has been in place since 1976 and Shafer recommends

that any zoning the County decides to adopt incorporate this Hazard zoning into the

ordinance. Shafer explained the Airport Road Development Plan using the map he provided to

show what the future plans are. Next, he went over the Airport Land Development Plan map,

the Airport Master Plan and the Land Use Plan. Then he provided the subcommittee with some

model language they can consider when it comes to Airport zoning. The language is what was

adopted by the city of Carbondale when they extended their zoning limits and encompassed

part of the Airport. Shafer then showed some maps that outline the zoning area of Carbondale

and a map outlining future land use plans from the Carbondale Comprehensive Plan. He then

encouraged continuing to explore the idea of zoning for the county. He also mentioned the

idea of spot zoning and how it can be a good economic development tool. There was a

discussion about which County Board districts the Airport is located in, Districts 1 & 4, followed

by a discussion about economic development around the Airport and infrastructure that is

already available. The subcommittee thanked Mr. Shafer for his time and material.

II. 16-1757 Review of Citizen Survey Responses

Chapman gave a brief explanation to Shafer about the Citizen Zoning Survey and the responses

that have been received so far. The committee reviewed the updated response spreadsheet.

Citizen Comments

Old Business





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New Business

The subcommittee discussed that when it was formed the Board suggested that the subcommittee provide a report on their progress

in October. With this in mind the subcommittee would like to meet on October 11th at 4pm to work on a report to be presented to

the Legislative & Public Safety committee about their findings so far. The committee coordinator will speak with Peterson to ensure

her availability.

Approval of Minutes

III. 16-1756 September 20, 2016 Minutes

A motion was made by Erbes, seconded by Chapman, to approve the September 20, 2016

Minutes as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Adjourn (5:41 PM)

Erbes moved and Chapman seconded to adjourn, motion carried.