
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

DeSoto Board of Trustees approves financial audit

Webp meeting41

The village of DeSoto Board of Trustees met Aug. 15 to approve a financial audit.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:





Board of Trustees Regular Meeting

August 15, 2016

President John Evans called the second monthly meeting of the De Soto Village Board of Trustees to order at 7:00 P.M. Village Clerk Paula Parks was present to record the minutes.

Present: Tony Rushing Paulette Johnson

Tim Cochran John Evans

Eric Schuler Larry White

Brian Gleason

Motion made by Larry White, seconded by Tony Rushing, to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting and the minutes of the committee meeting on August 8, 2016 and to approve them. Motion carried.

Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Paulette Johnson, to approve the July revenue report. Motion carried.

Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Tim Cochran, to pay the list of bills. Upon roll call vote: Tony Rushing- Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Larry White – Yes; Tim Cochran – Yes; Eric Schuler - Yes. Motion carried.

Mr. Clay Furhop was present to ask the Board about installing a water line on Township Line Road. Mr. Furhop said he would pay for the installation. However, he asked if the Village was interested in paying the engineering cost for the project. There will be the potential for 8-12 users on the line. Trustee Larry White explained that the developer pays for everything in regard to the initial installation. After one year, the Village would take the line over. Mr. Furhop then asked for confirmation on the following.

1. Can the developers use the Village’s easement on the west side of Township Line Road; and

2. Will the Village take the water line over after one year?

Trustee White also asked that Mr. Furhop use the Village’s engineer, Harold Sheffer of J. T. Blankinship.

President John Evans reported that the special Nuisance Committee met on August 8 and recommended that nuisance violation letters be mailed to the following properties giving them 30 days to abate the violation.

1. 305 Hurst Road

2. 500 East Washington St.

3. 402 South Walnut St.

4. 102 E. Grant St.

5. 602 Thornwood Hill Dr.

Police Chief Ben Doan reported that clean up had started on the burned trailer on South Ash Street. The owner is preparing to move the trailer out.

Trustee Tony Rushing left the meeting at 7:25 PM.

Motion made by Tim Cochran, seconded by Paulette Johnson, to approve the recommendations of the special Nuisance Committee. Motion carried.

Discussion on possibly revising the current Nuisance Ordinance was tabled until the next meeting to give board members time to compare the Village’s ordinance to the Pinckneyville Nuisance Ordinance.

Trustee Brian Gleason asked about removing the gang graffiti that is painted on a building on West Lincoln Street. Chief Ben Doan will talk with the owner of the building about painting over the graffiti.

Trustee Gleason stated that the Village has an old squad car that needs to be sold. He and the police chief will look at all the options for selling the car.

A De Soto Daze Committee Meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 22 at 7 PM.

Motion made by Larry White, seconded by Eric Schuler, to pass Resolution No. 2016-3 in support and commitment of local funds in applying for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for Phase II Watermain Replacements. Upon roll call vote: Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Larry White – Yes; Tim Cochran – Yes; Eric Schuler – Yes. Motion carried. Resolution incorporated by reference.

Motion made by Tim Cochran, seconded by Larry White, to pass Resolution 2016-4 accepting the proposal from Illini Asphalt Corporation for $27,832.20 to oil and chip designated streets and requesting the Illinois Department of Transportation to approve such acceptance. Upon roll call vote: Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Larry White – Yes; Tim Cochran – Yes; Eric Schuler – Yes. Motion carried. Resolution incorporated by reference.

Director of Public Works David Griffin reported that the Jackson County Health Department trains for airborne personal and commercial mosquito abatement licenses in March; there is a separate class for an applicator license; the Village would have to purchase Department of Agriculture approved equipment; a five million dollar insurance policy is recommended; there are state inspections; and detailed records and a special building are required. Therefore, board members felt it would be more cost effective to continue contracting for mosquito abatement.

Mr. Griffin also reported that Mr. Kerry Jones of the De Soto Township Board had authorized installation of the solar light for the cemetery flag.

Motion made by Eric Schuler, seconded by Paulette Johnson, to approve the financial audit for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2015 and ending April 30, 2016. Upon roll call vote: Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Larry White – Yes; Tim Cochran – Yes; Eric Schuler – Yes. Motion carried.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 6 at 7:00 p.m. at the Village Hall due to the Labor Day holiday.

Motion made by Larry White, seconded by Eric Schuler, to adjourn the meeting at 8:19 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Paula J. Parks

Village Clerk