
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Carbondale City Council announce Back to School Bash

Webp meetingroom04

The Carbondale City Council met Aug. 9 to announce the Back to School Bash.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the council:

2016 Regular City Council Meeting August 9, 2016 (Tuesday, August 9, 2016)

Generated by Jennifer R Sorrell on Monday, August 22, 2016

Preliminaries to the City Council Meeting

Procedural: 1.1 Roll Call

Council Members present

Councilwoman Jessica Bradshaw, Councilman Lee Fronabarger, Councilman Tom Grant, Councilwoman

Carolin Harvey, Councilman Navreet Kang, Councilman Adam Loos, Mayor John M Henry

Meeting called to order at 6:59 PM

Procedural 1.2 General Announcements and Proclamations

Mayor Henry provided a summary of and update on the events leading up to the injury of Carbondale

Police Officer Trey Harris, commended Officer Corey Brinkley for his actions in providing aid his fellow

officer, and asked for community recognition and support of the Police Department.

Mayor Henry proclaimed the week of August 7-13, 2016, as National Farmers' Market week and

encouraged all citizens to celebrate the benefits and bounty of the locally grown and produced items.

Councilman Fronabarger announced a Duck Derby fundraiser by the Carbondale Park District and the

Carbondale Fire Department to raise funds benefitting the Muscular Dystrophy Association and which

will be held at the Splash Park on August 20.

Councilwoman Harvey announced the Back to School Bash which will be held at the Eurma C. Hayes

Center on Saturday, August 13, and encouraged the welcoming of returning students.

Councilman Kang announced the fourth annual WDBX Summer Street fest to be held on Saturday,

August 27, 2016.

City Manager Williams announced a music festival on August 13 and noted that the Water Office would

offer extended hours for two weeks.

Procedural: 1.3 Citizens' Comments and Questions

Jonathan Moore, on behalf of Black Love Adjoining Communities Collectively, requested City Council

support for an event to be held on August 27 at Attucks Park.

Procedural, Reports: 1.4 Public Hearings and Special Reports


2. Consent Agenda of the City Council

Action (Consent): 2.1 Regular Meeting Minutes of the Carbondale City Council from July 19, 2016

Resolution: Approve the meeting minutes from the City Council meeting of July 19, 2016

Action (Consent): 2.2 Approval of Warrant for the Period Ending: 07/04/2016 FY 2017 Warrant #1278 in

the amount of $910,036.56

Resolution: Accept the following report of payments made for the period ended: 07/04/2016 totaling

$910,036.56 (Exhibit A-08-09-2016)

2016-08-09 Regular City Council Meeting

Action (Consent): 2.3 Approval of Warrant for the Period Ending: 07/18/2016 FY 2017 Warrant #1279 in

the amount of $1,540,259.20

Resolution: Accept the following report of payments made for the period ended: 07/18/2016 totaling

$1,540,259.20 (Exhibit B-08-09-2016)

Action (Consent): 2.4 Approval of the 2017 City Council Calendar of Meetings

Resolution: Approve the 2017 calendar of City Council meetings

Action (Consent): 2.5 - Pulled by T. Grant

Action (Consent): 2.6 Resolution authorizing the City Manager to accept a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure

for property located at 415 East Oak Street

Resolution: Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to accept a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure

for property located at 415 East Oak Street. (Resolution 2016-R-34; Exhibit D-08-09-2016)

Action (Consent): 2.7 Acceptance of Approved Minutes of Boards, Commissions, and Committees

Resolution: The City Council is requested to accept the approved minutes of Boards, Commissions, and

Committees and place them on file.

Action (Consent): 2.8 Appointments and Reappointments to Boards and Commissions

Resolution: The Council is requested to concur with the Mayor's recommended appointments and

reappointments to Boards and Commissions.

Action (Consent): 2.9 Award of Contract for CIP No. WW1601 Northwest Wastewater Treatment Plant

River Vault Renovations

Resolution: The City Council is requested to Award the Contract for the Northwest Wastewater

Treatment Plant River Vault Renovations Project (WW1601) to Haier Plumbing & Heating Inc.

Okawville, IL in the amount of $466,422.

Action (Consent): 2.10 Award of Contract for Roof Coating for the City Hall and Northwest Wastewater

Treatment Plant Roofs

Resolution: The City Council is requested to award a contract for the application of white silicon roof

coating on the City Hall and Northwest Wastewater Treatment Plant roofs to Clover Roofing of

Murphysboro, Illinois for the amount of $47,764.20.

Action (Consent): 2.11 Approval of Consent Agenda Items

Approve Consent Agenda items 2.1 - 2.4 and 2.6 - 2.10

MOTION: Approve Consent Agenda Items 2.1 - 2.4 and 2.6 - 2.10

Motion by Adam Loos, second by Lee Fronabarger.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jessica Bradshaw, Lee Fronabarger, Tom Grant, Carolin Harvey, Navreet Kang, Adam Loos, John

M Henry

Action (Consent): 2.5 Resolution Declaring Fair Days for Carbondale Main Street at the Lost Cross 30th


This item was pulled in order to highlight the event and to note the road closure for this concert.

Resolution: The City Council may approve or deny the Fair Days Request from Carbondale Main Street

at the Lost Cross 30th Anniversary on September 3, 2016, between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.

2016-08-09 Regular City Council Meeting

MOTION: Approve the Fair Days Request from Carbondale Main Street on September 3, 2016, between

5:00 and 10:00 p.m. (Resolution 2016-R-33; Exhibit C-08-09-2016)

Motion by Tom Grant, second by Jessica Bradshaw.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jessica Bradshaw, Lee Fronabarger, Tom Grant, Carolin Harvey, Navreet Kang, Adam Loos, John

M Henry

3. General Business of the City Council

Action: 3.1 Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an automobile incentive agreement with

Ward Chrysler Inc.

It was noted that this is the first Fiat dealership in the region and that this automobile line will be an

addition to those currently sold by Ward Chrysler.

MOTION: Approve a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an automobile incentive

agreement with Ward Chrysler Inc. (Resolution 2016-R-35; Exhibit E-08-09-2016)

Motion by Adam Loos, second by Lee Fronabarger.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jessica Bradshaw, Lee Fronabarger, Tom Grant, Carolin Harvey, Navreet Kang, Adam Loos, John

M Henry

Action: 3.2 Ordinance Amending Title Seven of the Carbondale Revised Code as it relates to food and

beverage tax

Les O'Dell, Executive Director of the Carbondale Chamber of Commerce, summarized the responses

from participants in a forum hosted by the Chamber where the food and beverage tax was discussed, as

well as responses to an email poll. Marilyn Martin noted that there may be Chamber members who did

not receive the email. Andrea Barclay and Trace Brown indicated that they did not receive the Chamber

survey. Peter Julian expressed opposition to the tax. Ed Dorsey noted that the expansion of the tax to

grocery stores and convenience stores would impact LINK recipients as they accept LINK while

restaurants and bars do not. Debbie Bridges asked for clarification on action for this item versus

implementing a 1/4% sales tax. Guillermo (last name not provided) from Don Taco expressed his

opposition to the Ordinance. Meghan Cole suggested alternatives to implementing the 2% sales tax.

Councilmembers noted their individual opposition to, support for, and alternatives to the Ordinance.

MOTION: Approve an ordinance amending Chapter Twelve of Title Seven of the Carbondale Revised

Code as it relates to food and beverage tax decreasing the rate from four percent to two percent, with an

implementation date of January 1, 2017, and with the expansion of prepared foods. (Ordinance 2016-45;

Exhibit F-08-09-2016)

Motion by Adam Loos, second by Lee Fronabarger.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yea: Jessica Bradshaw, Lee Fronabarger, Tom Grant, Carolin Harvey, Navreet Kang, Adam Loos, John

M Henry

Discussion: 3.3 Discussion about amending Title Two of the Carbondale Revised Code to allow alcohol

sales in convenience stores

2016-08-09 Regular City Council Meeting

Citizens speaking in opposition to allowing alcohol sales at convenience stores included Hank Delaney of

Mt. Vernon; Donald Monty, 418 South Giant City Road; Chuck Reno from Westroads Liquor; Greg

Karayiannis of Pinch Penny Liquors; Dustin Rochkes of Warehouse Liquor Mart; Chandrakant Patel of

Blue Fish Liquors and Old Town Liquors; and Wendy Hoffman McClanahan, Warehouse Liquors and

ABC Liquors.

Citizens speaking in favor of allowing alcohol sales at convenience stores included Barry Spehn, 500

Charles Road, and Trace Brown of Marketplace Shell.

Deputy Chief Reno shared the Police Department's perspective on expanding package liquor sales.

City Councilmembers shared their observations, concerns, and expressed either approval for or

disapproval of expanding package liquor sales to include convenience stores. Based on a straw poll, there

was insufficient support to bring back an Ordinance for City Council action at a future meeting. When

polling the audience about support for a 1/4% sales tax, there were few individuals who indicated support.

There followed a suggestion to have a special meeting to discuss taxation in Carbondale.

4. Comments from the City Council

Councilman Loos noted that the State had recently taken action that would make possession of cannabis a

fine-only offense and suggested that the City consider aligning the City Code with the State law. He also

suggested looking into whether the City could make its fines or enforcement less stringent than the State.

Councilman Fronabarger commented that the City was not a recipient in the recent awarding of TIGER

Grant funds and provided details on, the figures relating to, and projects receiving funding.

Councilwoman Harvey expressed her gratitude for citizen participation in the past two meetings.

Councilwoman Bradshaw echoed Councilwoman Harvey’s comments and suggested locating a list of

taxable items if a tax workshop is held. She then indicated that the City needs to be on social media.

Councilman Kang asked the public to pray for Officer Trey Harris’ speedy recovery and noted places

where donations could be submitted.

Councilman Fronabarger thanked the Chamber of Commerce for hosting a forum on the Food and

Beverage tax.

Councilman Grant thanked citizens for their attendance and encouraged their participation in an

upcoming workshop. He then noted his reasons why he did not support package liquor sales in gas


5. Executive Session


6. Adjournment of the City Council Meeting

The Carbondale City Council adjourned at 9:06 p.m.

Submitted by: Approved:

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