
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Carterville City Council hears presentation on fiber cable installation

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Carterville City Council met Tuesday, May 10.

Here are the minutes as provided by Carterville:


Tuesday, May 10, 2016


The meeting was held in the Council Chambers with Mayor Bradley M. Robinson presiding. He called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Bradley M. Robinson Mayor Present

Michele A. Edwards City Clerk Present

Khristina Hollister Deputy City Clerk Absent

Mark Carney City Treasurer Present

Doug Brinkley Alderman/Ward 3 Present

Phyllis Emery Alderman/Ward 4 Present

Tom Gentry Alderman/Ward 1 Present

John Gooden Alderman/Ward 3 Absent

Mike Helfrich Alderman/Ward 2 Present

James Houseworth Alderman/Ward 1 Present

Tom Liebenrood Alderman/Ward 4 Present

Curtis Oetjen Alderman/Ward 2 Present

The Mayor declared a quorum present.

Others present were: Garry Wiggs, Street Superintendent; Ron Rains, Fire Chief; Ralph Graul, Building Inspector; Jerry Humble, Citizen; Janice McConnaughy, HR Specialist; Retia Watson, Bookkeeper; John Crawford, Crawford and Associates; John and Kimbra Frost; Marvin Oetjen, Kamper Supply; Ronda Robinson; Kyle Houseright, Parks Supervisor; J. D. Carney, Citizen; Harry Treece II, Citizen; Heather Reno, Police Chief; Bill Kirk, Zoning/Planning Committee; Rod Sievers, Citizen Advisory Committee Member; Mark Bollmann, Water and Sewer Board; Attorney Rhett Barke; Kevin Pyle and an Associate, Futiva Fiber; Tom Harness, Citizen; and Jan Campbell, Chamber of Commerce.

Motion 1: Oetjen moved and Emery seconded to approve the minutes of the April 12, 2016 regular Council Meeting as presented. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Mark Carney, City Treasurer, presented the April 2016 Treasurer’s Report.

Motion 2: Emery moved and Helfrich seconded to approve the April 2016 Treasurer’s Report as presented. All present voted yea, and the Mayor declared the motion carried. 

Recognition of Guests:

Kevin Pyle, General Manager Futiva Fiber, approached the Council regarding the installation of fiber cable in Carterville. He explained that he has received requests from Carterville citizens for the installation of faster broadband internet speeds. Pyle explained that technology is changing and evolving and customers are asking for faster speeds that cannot be provided by current technology. Futiva Fiber is interested in providing this faster internet service to Carterville customers. Larger communities are already enjoying these services. They would like right-of-way and easements for the installation of cable in Carterville. There is a need and Futiva Fiber would like to be placed on the next agenda so that this can be discussed. The Mayor indicated that he should leave information for review and we can schedule this at the next Operations Committee meeting on June 7, 2016 and also work with our Public Works Director regarding locations.

Tom Harness, Venable Oaks Subdivision, expressed his concern about accessibility to high speed internet service and encouraged the Council to work with Futiva Fiber to get cable installed for this purpose. He indicated that the only option available to Carterville is Frontier DSL which is maxed out.

Motion 3: Emery moved and Oetjen seconded to pay the monthly bills as presented by the City Clerk. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion 4: Emery moved and Gentry seconded to pay the cleaning bill to E & K Cleaning Service for 17 cleanings at the Community Center in the amount of $1,505.00. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Ron Rains, Fire Chief, addressed the Council regarding the purchase of a remount for our 2009 Ambulance. Due to the cost of repairs to this equipment he would like to advertise for bids for a remount unit for this ambulance which he estimates will cost approximately $89,000.00. A new ambulance would cost approximately $160,000.00. The Mayor mentioned that this was discussed in Safety Committee. The remount is when you take the box that is the actual ambulance and remount it on a new chassis. The Ford diesel chassis that this is mounted on is in constant need of repair but the ambulance box itself is adequate for our needs.

Motion 5: Oetjen moved and Brinkley seconded to advertise for bids on an ambulance remount (Ron Rains will develop specifications). All voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion 6: Brinkley moved and Emery seconded to authorize Jason Sheraden to be paid for 40 hours of his vacation time (he meets all requirements and is maxed out on his time). A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried

Heather Reno, Police Chief, asked the Council to authorize the cost of equipment for the new police vehicle. The Police Vehicle Fund has a balance of approximately $7,900.00, and Reno suggested that we use these funds. Some of the equipment was repurposed out of the car that was totaled.

Motion 7: Brinkley moved and Oetjen seconded purchase the equipment for the new police vehicle not to exceed d$7,500.00 [from Police Vehicle Fund]. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Chief Reno asked the Council to move Chase Miller from Auxiliary Police to Part-Time Police Officer. He is not certified and will have to be sent to the part-time academy.

Motion 8: Brinkley moved and Oetjen seconded to confirm the Mayor’s appointment of Chase Miller as a part-time police officer. All voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Chief Reno informed the Council that Missy Yancey, current police secretary/assistant, has turned in her resignation and Heather has been working with Janice McConnaughy to develop a job description and advertise for a replacement.

Garry Wiggs, Public Works Director, explained the plan for introduction of the new 4-way stop during the second week of June, 2016. The cleanup days are the first week in June. They will advertise this change before implementing.

Motion 9: Gentry moved and Helfrich seconded to authorize the implementation and advertising of the 4-way stop at North Division and Sycamore the second week of June. All present voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

The Mayor opened a discussion on the no left turn from north side of Hickory Street.

Houseworth asked the Fire Chief about the traffic on Anderson where Hickory Street adjoins Anderson.

Rains responded that he has not seen a problem with this unless there is a funeral. Tom Liebenrood indicated that he actually drove this and found that we may cause more problems by diverting traffic to Stone Street because it is very narrow and full of holes. Tom Gentry asked why we need to change this since it has never been a problem. The Mayor explained that a citizen brought this to the attention of the committee and we may need to investigate this further. The Council agreed to table this issue for further investigation.

Ralph Graul, Building Inspector, presented information on the 6:30 p.m. hearing for Linda Lear, 1541 Main, for construction of a portable carport. The Zoning/Planning Committee met on Friday, May 6, 2016 and approved both of these variances.

Motion 10: Gentry moved and Liebenrood seconded to allow the variance for a carport for Linda Lear, 1541 Main. Roll call vote: Brinkley, yea; Emery, yea; Gentry, yea; Helfrich, yea; Houseworth, no; Liebenrood, yea; Oetjen, yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Ralph Graul explained that the 6:45 p.m. variance hearing was for a post-frame garage for Dan Ward at 1011 W. Grand to be used to store his motor home. There were several questions at the hearing regarding the placement of this building. Michael Helfrich asked that this issue be tabled for further investigation as it may be necessary to move this back and the Council would like an aerial map to scale that might help to see the location clearer.

Motion 11: Helfrich moved and Oetjen seconded to table the variance for Dan Ward, 1011 W. Grand Avenue for further clarification of location. All voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Ralph Graul, Building Inspector, explained that we have a request for a post-frame structure on Texas Avenue by David Allen. An old existing structure and concrete pad were removed and he wants to replace this with a 30’ X 24’ post-frame garage. This meets the necessary setbacks although there is an issue with the size of the structure verses the lot size.

Motion 12: Oetjen moved and Brinkley seconded to table the post-frame garage request for David Allen pending further investigation of setbacks and other requirements. All voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Ralph Graul presented a request for a variance hearing from Ken Alexander for placement of a doublewide mobile home on his property on Scout Cabin Road.

Motion 13: Oetjen moved and Emery seconded to schedule a Variance Hearing for Ken Alexander for placement of a mobile home on Scout Cabin Road on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 6:45 p.m. All voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Jan Campbell, Executive Director of Chamber of Commerce, gave the monthly Chamber report.

The Chamber had a ribbon cutting at the Live Simple Shop last week and there is a ribbon cutting on Thursday, May 12th for the First Southern Bank. Jan Campbell attended the REDCO dinner meeting where they discussed the VTI campus development. The 2016-17 Member Resource Guide will be included in the Welcome to Carterville bags. The Social Media Seminar on April 28th was well attended.

The Education Committee will recognize Unit #5 retirees at the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon on

May 20th

Carterville Community Night at Miner’s Park is Friday, June 17th. The Twilight 5K Glow

Run/Walk is scheduled for Friday, September 9th

The Mayor indicated that we have received applications for the bookkeeper position and the Treasurer is reviewing the applications for interviews.


he Mayor read aloud the Appropriation Ordinance 2016-17.

Motion 14: Gentry moved and Oetjen seconded to schedule an Appropriation Hearing on June 14, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. All voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

The Mayor presented information regarding the flood plain map and a request from citizens on Country Club and Valley Drive to petition to change this map which would reduce their homeowner insurance as they would not need flood insurance. This has been discussed in the past and FEMA agrees that this flood plain map is incorrect. The LOMAR resolution to change this map would cost approximately $16,000.00 to $18,000.00 which are engineering costs to complete the necessary forms and maps. Council agreed that we need more information about this process before we can approve this expenditure. Tom Gentry indicated that we need more than verbal verification from FEMA that this map is incorrect. Curt Oetjen stated that he felt this request would be approved. Crawford indicated that the map is so obviously wrong that we should be able to prove this.

The Mayor presented a request from the Village of Cambria to trade acreage in our facility planning area so that they could install utilities in the property north of West Grand and east of Maple Street. The Mayor indicated that he has not received any specific information regarding this trade but he listed this on the agenda in case received a specific proposal.

Motion 15: EmeryGooden moved and Helfrich seconded to pay our annual contribution to REDCO in the amount of $8,500.00. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion 16: Helfrich moved and Oetjen seconded to pay our annual sponsorship to the Chamber in the amount of $8,500.00. A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Dilapidated properties were discussed. Rhett Bartke is aware of the three properties of concern and he will be moving forward with the demolition orders for these properties.

The Mayor presented ordinances for approval. The East Illinois NO PARKING ordinance was mentioned but has not been written.

Motion 17: Oetjen moved and Helfrich seconded to approve Ordinance No. 1400-16, AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND STREET REGULATIONS OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT PARKING IN THE CITY OF CARTERVILLE, ILLINOIS (TEXAS AVENUE). A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion 18: Houseworth moved and Gentry seconded to pass Ordinance No. 1401-16, AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ZONING CODE 40-4-6 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY GOVERNING ACCESSORY BUILDINGS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS IN THE CITY OF CARTERVILLE. All voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion 19: Oetjen moved and Gentry seconded to pass Ordinance No. 1402-16, AN ORDINANCE REGARDING VEHICLE/FREIGHT WEIGHT LIMITS ON MUNICIPAL STREETS AND ROADWAYS (KIRK LANE) IN THE CITY OF CARTERVILLE. All voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Heather Reno asked that we pass an ordinance prohibiting the sale of drug paraphernalia and we are looking for wording before we complete this ordinance.

Motion 20: Emery moved and Liebenrood seconded to pass Resolution No. 420-16, BUDGET AND REVENUE RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CARTERVILLE (INCLUDING THE INCOME

STATEMENT) FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017. All voted yea and the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Curt Oetjen gave the Water and Sewer Board report as follows:

There were 75 delinquent accounts in the amount of $4,833.42

Leak credits were given in the amount of $237.65 and pool credits were $39.55

Water loss for April was 461,118 gallons

Final inspection of the water tanks is complete and we are awaiting a report

Marc Buatte has had four additional manholes lined (part of the sewer maintenance program)

Bar Screen is scheduled to be installed this week (estimated cost $205,000.00)

Interceptor Sewer is still lacking cleanup due to weather problems. We have asked the engineer

to make this a priority.

The Board approved the same employee salary increases as Council.

The Mayor stated that for any of the aldermen whose constituents are affected by the interceptor sewer cleanup, the Board is working with the engineer to get this completed. John Crawford indicated that he and his staff are pushing the contractor to complete this cleanup.

Tom Gentry asked about the water loss problem and the Mayor responded that we are optimistic and we are working to get digital meters installed so that we can get accurate readings on our meters.

Engineering Report – John Crawford

John Crawford presented invoices for the Phase I West Grand Street project.

Motion 21: Houseworth moved and Oetjen seconded to approve payment of the following bills for the West Grand Avenue Phase 1 Project [to be paid from Motor Fuel Tax Funds]:

Sierra Bravo Contractors, LLC Pay Estimate No. 6 $105,653.85

Crawford & Associates Engineering Inspection $ 18,323.50

A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Motion 22: Houseworth moved and Oetjen seconded to approve payment of the following bills for the West Grand Avenue Phase II Project Easements [to be paid from Motor Fuel Tax Funds]:

Crawford & Associates Project Engineer $ 4,818.00

Hanson Professional Serv., Inc. Easements Negotiations $ 2,400.00

Tri-State Appraisals Property Appraisals $ 4,000.00

Total - $11,218.00

A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion 23: Houseworth moved and Helfrich seconded to approve payment for the following negotiated ROW easements for the West Grand Avenue Phase II Project [to be paid from Motor Fuel Tax Funds]:

Wilma Greenlee 1401 West Grand $ 3,700.00

William Kent 104 Woodview Lane $ 1,100.00

Ronald Heiple 100 Breeze Drive $ 600.00

Total - $ 5,400.00

A roll call vote was taken, and all present voted yea. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Crawford indicated that I.D.O.T. has stated that we are on the July letting for the Phase II project. There is one problem that we are trying to solve with regard to a property that is in foreclosure.

We must get the bankruptcy trustee’s approval on this property for payment of the ROW easement.

Crawford stated that the Council needs to make a decision regarding the size of the water main on West Grand Avenue Phase II. The bids were for 8” and 10” mains and the 10” main was an upcharge of $10,000.00. This will be discussed further with the Water and Sewer Board.

The Virginia Street drainage and storm sewer project is being contracted and Crawford mentioned that he and his staff are working with Wiggs Excavating to finish the cleanup on the Interceptor Sewer.


Malone’s Head Start Graduation – Friday, May 13th at 10:00 a.m.

Downtown Merchants Committee – Monday, June 13, 2016 at 10:30 a.m.

SIMPO Committee – Monday, June 13, 2016 at 1:00 p.m.

Carterville’s Got Talent – Mayor Mausey Fundraiser – Thursday, June 2, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

Heritage Car Show – Friday, June 3, 2016 from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m.

Chef’s Clash – Saturday, June 4th

SIU Arena - Benefit Gum Drops

Motion 24: Gentry moved and Helfrich seconded to adjourn. All voted yea and the meeting was

dismissed at 8:27 p.m.