At a recent meeting, the Jackson County Real Property Committee approved a preliminary plan for the Cabin Live subdivision.
The Jackson County Real Property Committee reviews matters related to the county's real and personal property including land-use planning and matters concerning county taxing units. The committee also reviews matters related to roads and bridges and recommends any action to the County Board. The committee meets in the Jackson County House, 1001 Walnut St., Murphysboro.
TUESDAY, JULY 12, 2016 5:00 PM
Call to Order (5:02 PM)
Members Present: Burke, Chapman, Erbes, Redmond, Rowe and S. Bost
Members Absent: Mueller
Also Present: John S. Rendleman, Liz Hunter, Grant Guthman, Michelle Tweedy, Maureen Berkowitz, Jeff Doherty
Approval of Minutes
I. 16-0472 June 14, 2016 Minutes
A motion was made by Erbes, seconded by Chapman, to approve the June 14, 2016 minutes as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote
Land Use & Economic Development
II. 16-0486 Greater Egypt Regional Planning & Development Commission
Mr. Rendleman gave an update on Greater Egypt and informed the committee that he would be leaving to go to the Greater Egypt meeting this evening. Ms. Mitchell an employee of Greater Egypt would be recognized this evening for her 50 years of service. There was a brief discussion about the projects that SIMPO is doing and Mr. Rendleman complimented Ms. Peterson on her service to Jackson County as a member of the Greater Egypt board. Additionally, Mr. Guthman serves as the Chair of the SIMPO Tech committee. The comment was made that Jackson County has good representation within SIMPO
Supervisor of Assessments
III. 16-0485 Land Division-Cabin Life Subdivision, 15-36-200-024 Property owner is Jill Fager.
Ms. Berkowitz presented maps of the Cabin Live Subdivision and explained the area that is being requested to be divided. There are 8.026 of 31.91 acres that are being split off, part will be used as the new owners residence and the other part will be a rental property. There will be no new roads or driveways and discussion took place about the language and notice that is on the plat. The committee requested that the road maintenance agreement include Cabin on the Hill Corporation as a signatory.
A motion was made by Erbes, seconded by Burke, to approve the Cabin Life Subdivision Land
Division 15-36-200-024 contingent upon the addition of the additional land owner being included in the Road Maintenance agreement and contingent upon the plat reflecting where to find the road maintenance agreement. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
IV. 16-0473 BiCentennial Celebration Resolution
A motion was made by Burke, seconded by S. Bost, to forward the Bicentennial Resolution to the full County Board. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Highway Department
V. 16-0475 Southern Illinois Metropolitan Planning Organization
VI. 16-0474 Road Sign Maintenance
Mr. Guthman informed the committee that he has been working with Melinda at Jackson
County 911 to figure out a solution that works for all parties. He stated that Melinda is putting together a new inventory and price quote for updating the remaining Road Signs in the county and the cost will include only the printing of the signs not the instillation. He thinks that if 911 can use their funds to get all the signs updated then the County and Townships can maintain them in the future. Mr. Rendleman asked who would get the 911 machine that makes the signs in the future and Mr. Guthman said it would go to the Highway Department. This item will remain on the agenda until a decision is made.
VII. 16-0476 Highway Monthly Claims
A motion was made by Erbes, seconded by Redmond, to approve paying the Highway Monthly Claims in the amount of $435,732.80. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
VIII. 16-0477 FY2016 County Engineer Salary Program Resolution
A motion was made by Erbes, seconded by Chapman, to approve the County Engineer Salary Program Resolution for FY2016. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
IX. 16-0478 Roadway Project Prioritization
The committee reevaluated the roadway project list and due to current and potential future development in the area, voted to move the next section of Reed Station Road to the top of the priority list.
A motion was made by S. Bost, seconded by Erbes, to amend the Roadway Project priority list by moving the Reed Station Road project to the top of the list. The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 5 - Chapman, Erbes, Redmond, Rowe and S. Bost
Absent: 1 - Mueller
Abstain: 1 - Burk
County Buildings & Grounds
X. 16-0479 Review Current Requested Repairs/Maintenance List
XI. 16-0480 Board of Review Bi-Fold Doors Update
The Committee Coordinator informed the committee that the bi-fold doors are being stained and should be installed this week.
XII. 16-0481 Courthouse Windows Update
Ms. Tweedy updated the committee on the progress of claim for the courthouse windows. The insurance company is gathering information and will reevaluate the claim. There will be another update at the August meeting.
XIII. 16-0482 Probation Lighting Update
The landlord of the Probation building has the grant application for Ameren and when he receives a response regarding the grant he will proceed with fixing the lighting in the building.
XIV. 16-0483 Courthouse Signage Update
The vinyl for the doors is being cut and depending on the humidity the new signage could be installed as early as next week.
XV. 16-0484 Outside Picnic Tables for Courthouse
The committee discussed this issue at length including outlining the maintenance, monitoring of the tables after hours, aesthetics of the area, and ADA compliance. The committee concluded that at this time adding tables to the grassy area of the building was not prudent.
New Business
Adjourn (6:01 PM)
Mr. Steven Bost moved and Mr. Redmond seconded to adjourn, motion carried.