
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Jackson County Cable TV Commission calls for service-provider fee

Webp meeting 06

At a recent meeting, the Jackson County Cable TV Commission called for an ordinance to create a Cable/Video Service Provider Fee.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the commission.



WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 2016 4:00 PM


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Call to Order (4:00 PM)

Members Present: Curkin, Reynolds and Singleton

Members Absent: Bishop and Frick

Also Present: Dan Brenner, Rebecca Blomer

Approval of Minutes

I. 16-0454 May 26, 2016 Minutes

A motion was made by Curkin, seconded by Reynolds, to approve the May 26, 2016 minutes aspresented. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

II. 16-0455 Mediacom State Application

The commission reviewed the letter and documents received from Mediacom regarding theirapplication to become a state franchise. This means that they will no longer have a franchisewith Jackson County. The commission discussed what this change would mean for the countyand how it might affect customers and future experiences with Mediacom.

The documents received from Mediacom are to large to attach to the minutes but are availablein the County Board office for review.

III. 16-0457 Ordinance Establishing Cable/Video Service Provider Fee

The commission discussed the "Ordinance Establishing Cable/Video Service Provider Fee"prepared by Mr. Brenner.

A motion was made by Reynolds, seconded by Curkin, to Recommend the Jackson CountyBoard adopt an Ordinance Establishing Cable/Video Service Provider Fee. The motion carried by

unanimous vote.

IV. 16-0456 Zito Franchise Renewal Request, Evaluation and Renewal Process Discussion

Mr. Brenner informed the commission that he has not received a response to his letter, datedMay 27th, 2016, requesting information. The commission decided to ask Mr. Brenner to

contact Zito Media and request that they send a representative to the next meeting to answerquestions. Mr. Brenner will send the request. Mr. Brenner recommends that the commissionconsider a Plan B in the event that Zito does not comply with the aforementioned request. Ms.Blomer outlined two options the commission could consider: Injunctive relief or cancellation ofservice. The commission will continue to discuss this matter at their next meeting. The

commission then reviewed information provided by the Accounting Coordinator regarding thepayments received from Zito and Mediacom over the last couple of years.



WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 2016 4:00 PM


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Old Business

New Business

Adjourn (4:30 PM)

Curkin moved and Reynolds seconded adjournment, motion carried.

The next scheduled meeting of the Cable TV Commission will be on July 27, 2016 at 4pm in the Jackson County Board office.