
Carbondale Reporter

Friday, February 21, 2025

Jackson County considers seeking grant to help fund courthouse repairs

Webp meeting 06

At a recent meeting, the Jackson County Real Property Committee discussed applying for a Preservation Heritage Fund Grant to help fund repairs to the courthouse's west-entrance steps.

The Jackson County Real Property Committee reviews matters related to the county's real and personal property, including land-use planning and matters concerning county taxing units. The committee also reviews matters related to roads and bridges, and recommends any needed actions to the County Board. The committee meets in the Jackson County House, 1001 Walnut St., in Murphysboro.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the committee.



TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2016 5:00 PM


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Call to Order (5:01 PM)

Members Present: Burke, Chapman, Erbes, Redmond, Rowe and S. Bost

Members Absent: Mueller

Other Board Members: John S. Rendleman, Julie Peterson

Also Present: Grant Guthman, Jim Siefert, Maureen Berkowitz, Michelle Tweedy

Approval of Minutes

I. 16-0382 May 10, 2016 Minutes

A motion was made by Chapman, seconded by S. Bost, to approve the May 10, 2016 minutes as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

II. 16-0372 Southern Illinois Metropolitan Planning Organization (SIMPO) Chair Rowe moved the SIMPO discussion up to accommodate Ms. Peterson who had to leave the meeting early.

Ms. Peterson informed the committee that there is a master bike plan for the area. The website has maps of the bike path as well as the master plan. It can be accessed at: www.carbondalebikeplan.com Ms. Peterson also discussed the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for FY17-FY20. She went over the budget sheets explaining each project that is scheduled for Jackson County.

The report can be accessed at: http://www.greateregypt.org/SIMPO/wpcontent/uploads/2013/12/SIMPO_TIP_FY2017-2020.pdf

Land Use & Economic Development

III. 16-0368 Jackson Growth Alliance

IV. 16-0369 Greater Egypt Regional Planning & Development Commission

V. 16-0370 Supervisor of Assessments

Ms. Berkowitz presented the committee with the Hawthorne Land Split 10-35-200-

022. Discussion took place about easements and plat notification.

A motion was made by Redmond, seconded by Erbes, to approve recommendation for the Hawthorne Land Split 10-35-200-022. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

VI. 16-0371 Board of Review

Ms. Berkowiz gave a brief update on the Board of Review. They are working on their FAQ page for the website and things seem to be running smoothly right now.

VII. 16-0421 BiCentennial Celebration Resolution 

The committee reviewed the presented materials and directed the Committee Coordinator to contact the State's Attorney's office about putting the resolutions in the current county form. This issue will be addressed again at the July meeting.

VIII. 16-0380 Permit to Manage Waste Application Notice 

This item was forwarded to the Legislative & Public Safety committee for review.

IX. 16-0381 Ameren Tree Trimming Notice



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Highway Department

X. 16-0422 Road Sign Maintenance

The committee continued to discuss this issue. Chairman Rendleman circulated a legal opinion from the ETSB 911 attorney regarding whether or not they could use 911 funds to pay for new road signs. The estimated total for upgrading the Counties road signs is $147,000.60. Mr. Guthman stated that the Highway Department can maintain the County roads but cannot maintain the roads within towns/townships without charging a fee for services. The suggestion was made that 911 pay to get all the signs up to code and then the town/townships will be responsible for maintenance. This item will be discussed again at the July meeting. Additionally, the Highway Association is seeking a response on this matter from the Chief Council for the IL State Police

XI. 16-0398 Highway Monthly Claims

A motion was made by Redmond, seconded by Erbes, to approve payment of the Highway Monthly Claims in the amount of $269,671.48. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

XII. 16-0399 Speed Zone Ordinance (Kennedy Road)

A motion was made by Redmond, seconded by S. Bost, to approve the Resolution for the Establishment of an Altered Speed Zone. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

XIII. 16-0400 Approval to Offer/Pay Appraised Value for ROW (Cora/Levee Road, Section 15-03111-00-FP)

A motion was made by Erbes, seconded by Chapman, to authorize to Offer/Pay Appraised value for ROW (Cora/Levee Road, Section 15-03111-00-FP). The motion carried by unanimous vote.

County Buildings & Grounds

XIV. 16-0373 Review Current Requested Repairs/Maintenance List

XV. 16-0375 Board of Review Bi-fold Doors Update

The committee coordinator informed the committee that Svanda is currently working on another project but will begin work on the Bi-fold doors when they are available.

XVI. 16-0374 Courthouse Windows Update

Ms. Tweedy informed the committee that the County is still waiting to hear back from the insurance company and legal. This issue will remain on the agenda until it is resolved.

XVII. 16-0423 Probation Lighting

Ms. Tweedy informed the committee that the lights in the probation building are outdated and need to be replaced. The landlord of the building will replace them but he asked that the county apply for an Ameren grant to try and help offset the costs. Since the county does not get their energy from Ameren they will most likely be denied for the grant but Ms. Tweedy is going to work with the Landlord to apply for the grant. Once a response comes in the landlord will pay for the necessary lighting upgrades.

XVIII. 16-0376 Courthouse Steps Replacement

A motion was made by Redmond, seconded by S. Bost, to approve the Technical Service Agreement for the repair of the West Courthouse Steps. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

XIX. 16-0377 Courthouse Signage Update

The committee coordinator informed the committee that Spectrum Graphics is working on the vinyl for the doors. Mr. Erbes would like the committee coordinator to check and make sure that applying the vinyl in the heat will not have an adverse effect.

XX. 16-0378 Murphysboro Apple Festival-Apple Trees



TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2016 5:00 PM


The committee reviewed a letter from the Murphysboro Apple Festival offering to purchase new apple trees for the Courthouse. The committee discussed maintenance and planting of the tress and Ms. Tweedy indicated that she had discussed the issue with Mr. Popejoy and removal of the dying tree, planting of new trees, and maintenance of the trees would be taken care of by the Courthouse maintenance crew. A motion was made by Redmond, seconded by Chapman, to accept the Murphysboro Apple Festival gift of apple trees for the Courthouse. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

XXI. 16-0379 Preservation Heritage Fund Grant Application

Mr. Siefert updated the committee on his research regarding the Preservation Heritage Fund Grant. Jackson County can apply for the grant to assist with the cost of the repair to the west side Courthouse steps. The grant maximum is $2500 and if the county receives cannot apply again for one year. Mr. Siefert will apply for the grant on behalf of the county. He indicated that if the county did receive the grant it would probably not be for the full amount and would come after the completion of the steps.

Old Business

New Business

Adjourn (5:54 PM)

S. Bost moved and Erbes seconded to adjourn, motion carried.