At a recent meeting, the Carbondale Preservation Commission discussed the Downtown Master Plan's designated sites for preservation.
The Carbondale Preservation Commission investigates, holds public hearings and recommends to the City Council the adoption of ordinances designating certain properties and other entities having special historic, architectural or community value as historic districts, landmarks and neighborhood preservation districts. Other duties include reviewing applications for alteration, construction or demolition of current or potential historic sites.
Below are the minutes for this meeting, as provided by the commission.
Preservation Commission
Monday, March 21, 2016
City Hall/Civic Center – 7:00 p.m.
1. Roll Call: Mr. Parkinson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Clark, Comparato, Doherty, Parkinson, Sigler, and Van Awken
Members Absent: Benedict and Ittner
Staff Present: Sergeev
Guests: Lee Fronabarger, Meghan Cole, and CCHS Students
2. Approval of Minutes: Mr. Van Awken moved to accept the minutes, seconded by Mr.
Sigler, to approve the minutes of February 22, 2016.
The motion to approve the minutes passed with a unanimous voice vote.
3. Communication and Reports:
a) Educational and Technical Assistance Committee
Ms. Ittner was unable to attend the meeting and provided the Commission with a handout
titled “Carbondale’s Firsts.” The handouts will be available at the Founders’ Day
b) Nomination and Hardship Committee
Nothing to Review
c) Work Plan Committee
Mr. Clark stated the Committee had met to review the plan. The Committee would like to
recommend that each commissioner write an article for the Communique. Mr. Clark
accepted the May-June article and Ms. Doherty will do the July-August edition.
Mr. Van Awken volunteered for an article.
Mr. Parkinson stated topics which will be discussed at the next meeting.
Ms. Sergeev informed the Commission that articles must be finalized and to the printer
by the middle of the month prior to the release of the Communique.
Mr. Clark started discussion of what type of “Fact Sheet” the Commission would like to
Ms. Sergeev shared the procedure flow chart for landmark designation, as an example.
Mr. Parkinson offered to help with developing the “Fact Sheet.”
There was discussion among Commissioners’ ability to make changes of to the
Preservation Commission’s webpage and photo archives.
Mr. Clark reported that a midyear review of the Work Plan will be added to the plan.
Mr. Sigler moved to accept the 2016 Work Plan, seconded by Mr. Clark.
The motion the accept the 2016 Work Plan was passed with a unanimous voice vote.
d) Certificate of Appropriateness Committee
Nothing to Review
e) Downtown Advisory Committee Report
Mr. Sigler reported that this is the proposed final draft. The report will go to the Planning
Commission Wednesday February 24, 2016, and City Council April 19, 2016. The Plan
designated the green space behind the Public Safety Center to remain as a green space.
The Plan does not designate a historical section of downtown; everything proposed has
been within the template of being historical. Mr. Sigler recommends the Preservation
Commission to endorse the proposed Downtown Master Plan. The Plan does recognize
the Dairy Queen, Varsity Center for the Arts, and multiple green spaces are designated to
be preserved.
Mr. Parkinson recommended the Commission pursue the designation of the Dairy Queen
as a landmark.
There was discussion among the Commission of additional possible green space.
Mr. Comparato moved that the Preservation Commission accept and endorse the
proposed Downtown Master Plan, seconded by Mr. Van Awken.
The motion to accept and endorse the proposed Downtown Master Plan passed with a
unanimous voice vote.
4. Old Business:
a) Discussion of Founders’ Day Celebration 2016
Mr. Fronabarger reported on the progress of plans for the Founders’ Day Reception.
Ms. Sergeev informed the Commission that there are about 40 RSVPs and the event will
be advertised through Carbondale Tourism and Carbondale Main Street.
There was discussion among the Commission of the history of Carbondale.
b) Letter to City Council regarding Historic Park
Mr. Van Awken discussed a brief history Carbondale and the significance of the site.
Mr. Van Awken recognized that the park would grow slowly and could start with the
described plaque recognizing Carbondale’s Civil War soldiers.
Mr. Sigler moved that the Preservation Commission forward the letter requesting a
historical park to the City Council, Mr. Clark seconded.
The motion to send the proposed letter to City Council passed with a unanimous voice
5. New Business:
a) Presentation for possible bicycle racks near the Town Square Pavilion by
Carbondale Main Street
Meghan Cole discussed Carbondale Main Street’s request to send out a artist request for
proposal (RFP) for a bicycle rack to be installed on the site of the Town Square Pavilion.
The bike racks would be created by the SIU blacksmithing department and would be
located along South Illinois Avenue. The bike racks would be a custom design influenced
by the Shawnee Forest. Carbondale Main Street would bring no less than 2, no more than
4, designs for the Preservation Commission’s approval. Ms. Cole reported to the
Commission that the bike racks would be removable and could be removed in the future
if needed.
Mr. Van Awken asked if any artist can submit a design.
Ms. Cole stated that the RFP will be out to anyone who is interested but Carbondale Main
Street has a formal relationship with the SIU School of Metalsmithing and
Mr. Parkinson asked how the RFP will go out.
Ms. Cole stated that the RFP will go out in the school and local papers. An alumni or
local artist could submit a proposal, but Carbondale Main Street is gearing it to current
Mr. Sigler asked if the RFP will indicate that the area is part of the preserved portion of
Ms. Cole stated that the RFP will indicate the area and the rack will not be permitted to
attach to the Pavilion. Ms. Cole added that the location of the bike racks will work as a
fence between Illinois 51 and attendees to events at the Pavilion.
There was discussion among the Commission of the location of the bike racks.
Mr. Parkinson commended Ms. Cole for bringing multiple designs to the Commission.
Mr. Parkinson informed the bike racks would be required to obtain a Certificate of
Appropriateness. When Carbondale Main Street has proposed designs, please contact Ms.
Sergeev to begin the process.
b) 2015 Historic Preservation Award Nominations
Mr. Parkinson stated that the nomination has been received for the apartments at 312
West Monroe Street as compatible new construction.
There was discussion among the Commissioners if the property meets the criteria.
Mr. Comparato moved to reject the nomination of 312 West Monroe Street for the 2016
Historic Preservation Award.
The motion to reject the nomination of 312 West Monroe Street Historic Preservation
Award passed with three (3) yes, two (2) no and one (1) abstention.
c) Establishment of Nominating Committee for the election of officers
Mr. Parkinson opened a discussion about establishing a Nomination Committee; he also
stated that Ms. Ittner has volunteered.
Mr. Van Awken and Mr. Comparato also volunteered to serve on the Committee.
6. Comments by the Public, Commission Members or Staff:
Mr. Parkinson announced he will be relocating for work purposes and will be resigning
his position.
Ms. Sergeev reminded the Commission that there will be a Landmarks Illinois
presentation at Main Street on Wednesday March 23.
7. Adjournment:
Mr. Parkinson adjourned the meeting at 8:37 p.m.