
Carbondale Reporter

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee met October 29.

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Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee met October 29.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

Call to Order:

Committee Members Present: Liz Hunter, Julie Peterson, Dan Bost, Milton Maxwell, Scott Comparato, Keith Larkin and Andrew Erbes

County Board Members Present: Laurie Nehring

Also Present: Josh Barringer, Larry Reinhardt, Sarah Patrick, Susie Kilquist, Mary Beth Varner, Kenton Schaefer and Michelle Tweedy

Finance & Administration Chair Liz Hunter called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Approval of Minutes:

September 24, 2018

October 1, 2018

October 2, 2018

October 3, 2018

October 24, 2018

The committee reviewed the Finance & Administration Committee minutes of September 24, 2018, October 1, 2018, October 2, 2018, October 3, 2018 and October 24, 2018. Motion by Larkin, seconded by Erbes to approve the minutes of September 24, 2018, October 1, 2018, October 2, 2018, October 3, 2018 and October 24, 2018, as presented, motion carried.

I. 18-3763 2018-2019 Budget Preparation

a. Stop Loss Carrier Selection

b. Public Building Commission Funding

c. Budget Scenarios Discussion & Recommendation

d. Property Tax Levy Scenarios & Recommendation

Finance & Administration Chair Liz Hunter updated those who were not in attendance at the October 24, 2018 committee meeting that various stop-loss options were reviewed ranging: in annual premiums of $318,585.84 - $501,404.64; in specific deductibles of $70,000 - $80,000; and with nine separate individual deductibles. The lower the annual premium, the more risk the county would be taking. The committee discussed the pros and cons of the various options. Motion by Larkin, seconded by Erbes to recommend Bardon Insurance-Option 1 at an annual premium of $378,397.44, motion carried.

Ms.Hunter also reminded/updated the committee that the FY19 health, dental/vision premiums had been set at the October 24, 2018, committee meeting-Health: employee $1,192; employee/spouse $1,608; employee/child $1,608; and family $2,071 and Dental/Vision: employee $49; employee/spouse $93; employee/child $97; and family $153.

The committee discussed the Public Building Commission's funding request of 20% less than the previous year or $40,000. The Public Building Commission is currently requesting qualifications for architects/engineers and looking into constructing a med/seg unit at the jail utilizing housing of prisoners funds. It was suggested that the committee consider transferring the remaining funds from the former Rehab & Care Center to the Public Building Commission since the center had been constructed by the former building commission. There are approximately $170,000 remaining in the fund. The consensus of the committee was to transfer $40,000 to the Public Building Commission and the remaining $130,000 to County General Contingency.

The committee resumed budget scenario discussions ranging from no cost of living adjustment to a three percent cost of living adjustment; a decrease in property tax support to a four percent in property tax support; and a deficit of $2.0 million to $2.3 million. The committee reviewed the scenario reflecting no property tax increase and a cost of living adjustment of three percent with a deficit of approximately $2.3 million that could be reduced to $691,292 provided all of the requested budget highlights were taken out of consideration. The committee discussed the needs versus wants of the county and reviewed the requested budget highlights in detail The consensus of the committee was to remove all of the requested budget highlights as outlined with the exception of the Board Administrator position, $2,000 of Computing Services telephone, $5,565 of Assessments maintenance and repairs, and $153,835 of Jail Maintenance and repair leaving a deficit of approximately $910,546.

The committee discussed lowering the cost of living adjustment for all non-bargaining unit employees to one percent, increasing property taxes by four percent resulting in an increa se of $332,747 for County General, and transferring Sheriff's Department anticipated FY18 rollover of $170,000 and the former Rehab & Care's reserve of $130,000 resulting in a deficit of $171,438.

Motion by Comparato, seconded by Peterson to recommend setting the property tax levy at a four percent increase as outlined in option F and a one percent cost of living for all non bargaining employees. Discussion was held regarding setting the cost of living at one percent for non-bargaining employees who are confidential, loyal employees the county does not have to negotiate with and will be experiencing an increase in health insurance. Larkin moved to amend the original motion to amend option F to reflect a reduction of $48,402 to Extension Service with the balance to go to County General, Comparato did not accept the amended motion. The committee held a roll call vote on the original motion, Yes: Maxwell; No: Erbes, Larkin, Comparato, D. Bost, Peterson, and Hunter, motion failed.

Larkin moved to amend option F to reduce County Highway to the previous years funding level, reducing Extension service by $48,402, restoring Senior Citizen to the requested amount and placing the balance in County General, the motion failed due to a lack of a second.

Motion by Comparato, seconded by Peterson to recommend the adoption of option F amended as follows: reducing County Highway to last years funding level, reducing Extension Service by $28,463, restoring Senior Citizen to the requested amount and reducing County General by $20,000, Roll Call Vote Yes: Larkin, Comparato, Maxwell, Peterson and Hunter; No: Erbes and D. Bost, motion carried.

Motion by Larkin, seconded by Erbes to place the County General budget on file reflecting a two percent cost of living for all non-bargaining and transferring the deficit of $259,909 from Solid Waste into contingency to be appropriated at a later date by Finance Committee, Roll Call Vote Yes: Erbes, Larkin and D. Bost; No: Comparato, Maxwell, Peterson and Hunter, motion failed.

Peterson left the meeting.

Motion by Larkin, seconded by Erbes, to place the County General budget on file reflecting a two percent cost of living for all non-bargaining employees and otfsetting the deficit of $259,909 by a transfer of funds from Solid Waste, Roll Call Vote Yes: Erbes, Larkin, D. Bost and Hunter; No: Comparato, and Maxwell, motion carried.

Finance & Administration Chair Hunter requested that a memo be sent to all County General departments requesting assistance in reducing the $259,909 deficit in the hopes of eliminating the transfer of funds from Solid Waste.


Motion by Comparato, seconded by D.Bost to adjourn at 8:15 p.m., motion carried.
